Class DeliveryReportRecipientMMS

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DeliveryReportRecipientMMS extends DeliveryReportRecipient
SMS Delivery Report Recipient for MMS
  • Constructor Details

    • DeliveryReportRecipientMMS

      public DeliveryReportRecipientMMS(String batchId, String clientReference, Instant at, DeliveryReportErrorCode code, String recipient, DeliveryReportStatus status, String appliedOriginator, DeliveryReportRecipientEncoding encoding, Integer numberOfMessageParts, String operator, Instant operatorStatusAt)
      Recipient Delivery Report for MMS
      batchId - Required. The ID of the batch this delivery report belongs to.
      clientReference - The client identifier of the batch this delivery report belongs to, if set when submitting batch.
      at - Required. A timestamp of when the Delivery Report was created in the Sinch service
      code - Required. The detailed status code.
      recipient - Required. Phone number that was queried.
      status - Required. The simplified status as described in Delivery Report Statuses
      appliedOriginator - The default originator used for the recipient this delivery report belongs to, if default originator pool configured and no originator set when submitting batch.
      encoding - Applied encoding for message. Present only if smart encoding is enabled.
      numberOfMessageParts - The number of parts the message was split into. Present only if max_number_of_message_parts parameter was set.
      operator - The operator that was used for delivering the message to this recipient, if enabled on the account by Sinch.
      operatorStatusAt - A timestamp extracted from the Delivery Receipt from the originating SMSC
  • Method Details