Class InboundBinary

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InboundBinary extends Inbound<String>
Incoming SMS Binary
  • Constructor Details

    • InboundBinary

      public InboundBinary(String body, String from, String id, Instant receivedAt, String to, String clientReference, String operatorId, Instant sendAt, String udh)
      Binary MO class
      body - The message content Base64 encoded. Max 140 bytes together with udh.
      from - The phone number that sent the message. @see
      id - The ID of this inbound message.
      receivedAt - When the system received the message.
      to - The Sinch phone number or short code to which the message was sent.
      clientReference - If this inbound message is in response to a previously sent message that contained a client reference, then this field contains that client reference. Utilizing this feature requires additional setup on your account. Contact your account manager to enable this feature.
      operatorId - The MCC/MNC of the sender's operator if known.
      sendAt - When the message left the originating device. Only available if provided by operator.
      udh - The UDH header of a binary message HEX encoded. Max 140 bytes together with body.
  • Method Details