Interface VerificationRequestEventResponseFlashCall

All Superinterfaces:

public interface VerificationRequestEventResponseFlashCall extends VerificationRequestEventResponse
Flash Call Request Event Response
  • Method Details

    • getAction

      Get action
      Specified by:
      getAction in interface VerificationRequestEventResponse
    • getCli

      String getCli()
      The phone number that will be displayed to the user when the flash call is received on the user's phone. By default, the Sinch dashboard will randomly select the CLI that will be displayed during a phone call from a pool of numbers. If you want to set your own CLI, you can specify it in the response to the Verification Request Event.
    • getDialTimeout

      Integer getDialTimeout()
      The maximum time that a phone call verification will be active and can be completed. If the phone number hasn't been verified successfully during this time, then the verification request will fail. By default, the Sinch dashboard will automatically optimize dial time out during a phone call. If you want to set your own dial time out for the phone call, you can specify it in the response to the Verification Request Event.
    • builder

      Getting builder
      New Builder instance