Class IncomingCallEvent

public class IncomingCallEvent extends CallEvent
This event, called the ICE event, can be triggered by either an incoming data call or an incoming PSTN call.

It's a POST request to the specified calling callback URL. Look here for allowed instructions and actions.

If there is no response to the callback within the timeout period, an error message is played, and the call is disconnected.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getCallResourceUrl

      public String getCallResourceUrl()
      The path of the API resource
      path value
    • getUserRate

      public Price getUserRate()
      Charged for the call established to the original destination. If the SVAML response specifies another destination, the same rate may not apply.
      charged value
    • getCli

      public String getCli()
      The number that will be displayed to the recipient of the call.

      To set your own CLI, you may use your verified number or your Dashboard virtual number and add it to the ActionConnectPstn SVAML response to the Incoming Call Event request.

    • getTo

      public Destination getTo()
      Information about the recipient of the call
      information value
    • getDomain

      public DomainType getDomain()
      The domain destination of the incoming call
      Domain value
    • getApplicationKey

      public String getApplicationKey()
      The unique application key
      Application key value
    • getOriginationType

      public DomainType getOriginationType()
      The origination domain of the incoming call
      Origin type
    • getDuration

      public Integer getDuration()
      The duration of the call in seconds
      Duration value
    • getRdnis

      public String getRdnis()
      The redirected dialled number identification service
      RDNIS value
    • getCallHeaders

      public Collection<Pair<String,String>> getCallHeaders()
      If the call is initiated by a Sinch SDK client, call headers are the headers specified by the caller client. Read more about call headers here
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class CallEvent
    • builder

      public static IncomingCallEvent.Builder<?> builder()