App permissions

You must set the permissions for your app.

Push notifications permission

We need two permissions in info.plist:

  • Capability → Push Notifications
  • Capability → background modesRemote notifications + explanation in info.plist:








Other permissions

If you enable the option to send voice messages, you will need to add the NSMicrophoneUsageDescription permission. Likewise, if you enable the Share Location option, you may also need to add location permissions NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription, based on your use case.



<string>Enabling microphone access lets you send voice messages in the chat.</string>

<string>Enabling location services will allow you to share your location with others through the chat.</string>

<string>Enabling location services will allow you to share your location with others through the chat.</string>


The next step is configure privacy files.

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