Cloud SMPP

Connection Configuration

SMPP Version 3.3 or 3.4
Bind Type Transmitter, Receiver or Transceiver
Service Type, auth TON and auth NPI All values are ignored and can be blank
Asynchronous outstanding operations window 10
Maximum allowed sessions 3


You can connect to any of the following hosts with your given username and password.

Host Location London, UK Virginia, US Dallas, US Frankfurt, Germany


Please ensure that you choose the correct port for the message encoding you are submitting.

Encoding Port
GSM, Unicode & Binary 8000
Latin 1 (ISO-8859–1) 9000

Optionally, we support the SSL/TLS connection.

Encoding Port
GSM, Unicode & Binary 8443
Latin 1 (ISO-8859–1) 9443

Bind Operations

There are three ways to open a connection using SMPP. You can connect as:

  • Transmitter - send short messages to SMSC and receive responses from SMSC.
  • Receiver - receive delivery receipts from the SMSC and return the corresponding responses.
  • Transceiver - send and receive messages to and from the SMSC over a single SMPP session.

Session States

Your connection to our server across an SMPP link can be in one of five states:

  • OPEN - connected and bind pending
  • BOUND_TX - onnected and requested to bind as a Transmitter
  • BOUND_RX - connected and requested to bind as a Receiver
  • BOUND_TRX - connected and requested to bind as a Transceiver
  • CLOSED - unbound and disconnected

Bind Parameters

The syntax for initiating a bind_transmitter, bind_receiver or bind_transceiver instance uses the following parameters:

  • system_id - identifies the user requesting to bind (username)
  • password - password to allow access
  • system_type - identifies the system type (ignored, set to blank)
  • interface_version - indicates SMPP version supported by user
  • addr_ton - identifies user type of number (ignored, set to blank)
  • addr_npi - numbering plan indicator for user (ignored, set to blank)
  • address_range - The user address

Submit_sm Parameters

The parameters required for the SUBMIT_SM request (used to send an SMS) are:

  • service_type - indicates SMS application service
  • sourceaddrton - type of number for source address
  • sourceaddrnpi - numbering plan indicator for source address
  • source_addr - source address
  • destaddrton - type of number for destination
  • destaddrnpi - numbering plan indicator for destination
  • destination_addr - destination address of the short message
  • esm_class - message mode and type
  • protocol_id - protocol identifier (network specific)
  • priority_flag - sets the priority of the message (this is ignored)
  • scheduledeliverytime - set to NULL for immediate delivery (this is ignored)
  • validity_period - validity period of message
  • registered_delivery - indicator to signify if an SMSC delivery receipt or acknowledgment is required
  • replaceifpresent_flag - flag indicating if submitted message should replace an existing message (this is ignored)
  • data_coding - defines the encoding scheme of the SMS message
  • smdefaultmsg_id - indicates short message to send from a predefined list of messages stored on SMSC (this is ignored)
  • sm_length - length in octets of the short_message user data
  • short_message - up to 254 octets of short message user data.
  • usermessagereference - user assigned reference number

Deliver_sm Parameters

deliversm has the same parameter list as the submitsm request:

  • service_type - indicates SMS application service
  • sourceaddrton - type of number for source address
  • sourceaddrnpi - numbering plan indicator for source address
  • source_addr - source address
  • destaddrton - type of number for destination
  • destaddrnpi - numbering plan indicator for destination
  • destination_addr - destination address of the short message
  • esm_class - message mode and type
  • protocol_id - protocol identifier (network specific)
  • priority_flag - sets the priority of the message (this is ignored)
  • scheduledeliverytime - set to NULL for immediate delivery (this is ignored)
  • validity_period - validity period of message
  • registered_delivery - indicator to signify if an SMSC delivery receipt or acknowledgment is required
  • replaceifpresent_flag - flag indicating if submitted message should replace an existing message (this is ignored)
  • data_coding - defines the encoding scheme of the SMS message
  • smdefaultmsg_id - indicates short message to send from a predefined list of messages stored on SMSC (this is ignored)
  • sm_length - length in octets of the short_message user data
  • short_message - up to 254 octets of short message user data.
  • usermessagereference - user assigned reference number

The SMSC delivery receipt is carried as the user data payload in the SMPP deliversm_ operation.

deliversmresp requests require only a messageid_ parameter. Delivery receipts are addressed to the originator of the message.

Transactional Error Codes

To help you identify what might be causing a problem with your SMPP transaction, here is a list of error codes with a small description:

Code Description
0 No error
3 Invalid command ID
4 Invalid bind status for given command
5 ESME already in bound state
10 Invalid source address
12 Message ID is invalid
13 Bind failed
14 Invalid password
15 Invalid system ID
20 Message queue full
21 Invalid system type
97 Invalid scheduled delivery time
98 Invalid message delivery period

SMPP Commands

The SMS Gateway supports the following SMPP commands:

Command Description HEX Code
generic_nack Generic ‘Not Acknowledged’ status 0x80000000
bind_receiver Binds as ‘Receiver’ 0x00000001
bindreceiverresp Response to bind_receiver 0x80000001
bind_transmitter Binds as ‘Transmitter’ 0x00000002
bindtransmitterresp Response to bind_transmitter 0x80000002
submit_sm Submit an SMS message 0x00000004
submitsmresp Response to submitsmresp 0x80000004
deliver_sm Receive an SMS or delivery receipt 0x00000005
deliversmresp Response to deliversmresp 0x80000005
unbind Close bind response 0x00000006
unbind_resp Response to unbind 0x80000006
bind_transceiver Bind as ‘Transceiver’ 0x00000009
bindtransceiverresp Response to bind_transceiver 0x80000009
enquire_link Check link status 0x00000015
enquirelinkresp Response to enquire_link 0x80000015

Note that any command in the SMPP specification which isn't listed above isn't currently supported.

Command States

SMPP supports the following commands through the following SMPP session states:

Command Required state
bind_transmitter OPEN
bindtransmitterresp OPEN
bind_receiver OPEN
bindreceiverresp OPEN
bind_transceiver OPEN
bindtransceiverresp OPEN
submitsmresp BOUNDTX, BOUNDTRX
deliversmresp BOUNDRX, BOUNDTRX

NB: data_sm, query_sm, cancel_sm, replace_sm and submit_sm_multi aren't supported.

submit_sm and submit_sm_resp transactions will include a message identifier and a status which identifies whether the message is valid or invalid. If invalid, an error status will be returned. Please note that the message identifier will be HEX encoded on SMPP 3.3 connections but will be a standard ASCII encoded integer on SMPP 3.4 connections.

Delivery Receipts

SMPP delivery receipts take the following format:


id:IIIIIIIIII sub:SSS dlvrd:DDD submit date:YYMMDDhhmm done date:YYMMDDhhmm stat:DDDDDDD err:E Text .........


  • id - the message ID allocated to the message by the server
  • sub - the number of short messages originally submitted
  • dlvrd - the number of short messages delivered
  • submit date - the date and time at which the short message was submitted
  • done date - the date and time at which the short message reached its final state
  • stat - the final status of the message. Please see section 7.0 Message Status for more information.
  • err - where appropriate this may hold a network specific error code or an SMSC error code
  • text - the first 20 characters of the short message

Note that SMPP v3.3 and v3.4 differ, such that message IDs returned from an SMPP 3.3 connection are encoded as hex whereas 3.4 SMPP connections return message IDs as ASCII encoded integers.

Message Status

The delivery report status indicates whether the SMS message was delivered successfully by the SMSC. If the SMS wasn't successfully delivered, the delivery report will give a reason in the form of an [error code].

SMPP message states and their meanings are listed here for your convenience:

Code Description
DELIVRD Message delivered to destination
ACCEPTD Message is in accepted state
EXPIRED Message validity period has expired
DELETED Message has been deleted
UNDELIV Message is undelivered
UNKNOWN Message is in unknown state
REJECTD Message is in rejected state
ENROUTE Message is in ENROUTE state

Note that some SMSCs will still return a delivery receipt when a message has been accepted or if the message is buffered in the SMSC. For example, if the handset is switched off. This will use the UNKNOWN state and sets the buffered special parameter in the deliver_sm under SMPP 3.4

Error Codes

Sinch has a record of providing high quality and reliable reporting. Should your message not be delivered, an error code will be returned in the deliver_sm with a reason why.

These are defined here:

Hex Decimal Error Name Description Duration Error From Relating To
0 0 No Error The message delivered successfully Permanent MSC Mobile Handset
1 1 Unknown Subscriber The MSISDN is inactive or no longer active. Permanent HLR Destination Network
2 2 Unknown Subscriber -npdbMismatch Fault in Number Portability Database or HLR of MSISDN range holder. Occurs more frequently if number ported more than once in certain countries. Permanent MSC Destination Network
5 5 Unidentified Subscriber Occurs when the MSC that a message has been sent to isn't aware of the subscriber IMSI. Suggests HLR hasn't been updated or MSC malfunction. Temporary MSC Destination Network
6 6 Unknown It can't be determined whether this message has been delivered or has failed due to lack of final delivery state information from the carrier. Permanent MSC Destination Network
9 9 Illegal Subscriber Rejection due to failed authentication or filtering. Temporary MSC Destination Network
A 10 No Translation for Address Destination number isn't a valid mobile number or its routing can't be determined. Permanent TRANSPORT Signalling
B 11 Teleservice Not Provisioned Rejection due to subscription not supporting SMS. Permanent HLR Mobile Handset/Destination Network
C 12 Illegal Equiptment Rejection due to subscription, handset or network not supporting SMS. Temporary MSC Mobile Handset/Destination Network
D 13 Call Barred Rejection due to subscription or network not allowing SMS. Temporary HLR Mobile Handset/Destination Network
15 21 Facility Not Supported Rejection due to subscription not supporting SMS. Temporary MSC Destination Network
1B 27 Absent Subscriber Subscriber handset isn't logged onto the network due to it being turned off or out of coverage. Likely to have been unavailable for 12 hours or more. Temporary HLR Mobile Handset
1C 28 Absent subscriber no-pageresponse Subscriber handset isn't reachable on the network due to it being turned off or out of coverage. Likely to have very recently become unavailable. Temporary MSC Mobile Handset
1D 29 Absent subscriber IMSI-detached Subscriber handset isn't reachable on the network due to it being turned off or out of coverage. Likely to have been unavailable for several hours. Temporary MSC Mobile Handset
1E 30 Controlling MSC Failure The MSC that the subscriber is currently registered to is experiencing a fault. Temporary MSC Destination Network
1F 31 Subscriber Busy For MT-SM MSC is busy handling an exisiting transaction with the handset. The subscriber could be currently receiving an SMS at exactly the same time. Temporary MSC Mobile Handset
20 32 Equipment notSMEquipped Recieving handset or equipment doesn't support SMS or an SMS feature. This is temporary because the subscriber could switch to a different device. Temporary MSC Mobile Handset
21 33 Memory Capacity Exceeded Rejection due to subscriber handset not having the memory capacity to recieve the message. Likely to have been in state for 12 hours or more. Temporary HLR Destination Network
22 34 System Failure Rejection due to SS7 protocol or network failure. Temporary MSC Destination Network
23 35 Data Missing Rejection due to subscriber network decoding error or signalling fault. Temporary MSC Destination Network
24 36 Unexpected Data Value Rejection due to subscriber network decoding error or signalling fault. Temporary MSC Destination Network
25 37 System Failure Rejection due to SS7 protocol or network failure. Temporary HLR Destination Network
26 38 Data Missing Rejection due to subscriber network decoding error or signaling fault. Temporary HLR Destination Network
27 39 Unexpected Data Value Rejection due to subscriber network decoding error or signaling fault. Temporary HLR Destination Network
28 40 Memory capacity Exceeded Rejection due to subscriber handset not having the memory capacity to receive the message. Likely to have run out of capacity recently. Temporary MSC Destination Network
45 69 Generic delivery failure Generic delivery failure Permanent MSC Destination Network
8C 140 SS7 Communication Error Internal SMSC error due to invalid message syntax. Temporary SMSC Message Construction
A0 160 Absent subscriber IMSI-detached Internal SMSC error caused by SS7 link/dialogue fault. Temporary SMSC Destination Network/Signalling
C8 200 Unable to decode response SMSC can't decode the response received from destination network due to an encoding or protocol fault. Temporary SMSC Destination Network/Signalling
C9 201 Provider Abort Subscriber network or signalling partner has terminated the signalling connection, preventing message transmission. Temporary TRANSPORT Destination Network/Signalling
CA 202 User Abort Subscriber network or signalling partner has rejected the signalling connection, preventing message transmission. Temporary TRANSPORT Destination Network/Signalling
CB 203 Timeout Subscriber network not recieving packets from SMSC, or not responding to them. Alternatively, a 3rd party signalling partner may not be routing correctly. Temporary TRANSPORT Destination Network/Signalling
CD 205 Timeout-PAB Subscriber network or signalling partner hasn't responded to signalling connection setup or maintenance packets. Temporary TRANSPORT Destination Network/Signalling
CE 206 Rejected Subscriber network refuses signalling connection or message packet. Permanent TRANSPORT Destination Network
CF 207 Local Cancel Signalling with destination network has been prevented by SMSC partner or signalling partner. Permanent CARRIER SMSC Partner Routing/Signalling
12C 300 Screening or Blocking SMSC partner or 3rd party signalling partner has prevented messages being sent to this MSISDN or destination network. Permanent CARRIER SMSC Partner Routing/Signalling
12D 301 Carrier Syntax Error SMSC partner has rejected the message due to an unacceptable message parameter. Permanent CARRIER SMSC Partner Platform/Message Construction
12E 302 Carrier Internal Error SMSC partner could not process this message due to a platform fault, but it will be retired. Temporary CARRIER SMSC Partner Platform
12F 303 Carrier Internal Error SMSC partner could not process this message due to a platform fault and it won't be retried. Permanent CARRIER SMSC Partner Platform
130 304 Carrier Routing Error SMSC partner can't route this message currently, but it will be retried. Temporary CARRIER SMSC Partner Platform/Signalling
131 305 Carrier Routing Error SMSC partner can't route this message and it won't be retried. Permanent CARRIER SMSC Partner Platform/Signalling
3E7 999 Congestion SS7 signalling link at destination network, SMSC, or 3rd party signalling partner is overloaded. Temporary TRANSPORT Destination Network/Signalling


    Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network: the mobile number in international format.
  • MSC
    Mobile Switching Centre: the destination network equipment that receives an SMS (via forward-SM operation) in a destination mobile network.
  • HLR
    Home Location Register: the destination network equipment that returns status and routing information about an MSISDN to the SMSC (via SRI-SM operation).
  • SMSC
    Short Message Service Centre: the equipment belonging to Sinch or one of its carriers that transmits SMS to the destination network via SS7.
  • SS7
    Signalling System 7: the transport protocol that interconnects global GSM networks.
  • MNP
    Mobile Number Portability: the process of a subscriber moving from one mobile network to another, but retaining the same MSISDN.
  • IMSI
    International Mobile Subscriber Identity: a unique identification number which identifies the destination country, actual network, and network subscriber ID.
  • Subscriber
    The mobile user who has a SIM card.
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