Sinch .NET SDK for Verification

The Sinch Verification .NET SDK allows you to quickly interact with the Verification API from inside your .NET applications. The fastest way to get started with the SDK is to check out our getting started guides. There you'll find all the instructions necessary to download, install, set up, and start using the SDK.


When using the .NET SDK, the code representing requests and queries sent to and responses received from the Verification API are structured similarly to those that are sent and received using the Verification API itself.


This guide describes the syntactical structure of the .NET SDK for the Verification API, including any differences that may exist between the API itself and the SDK. For a full reference on Verification API calls and responses, see the Verification API Reference.

The code sample on the side of this page is an example of how to use the .NET SDK to initiate an SMS Verification request. The code is also displayed below, along with a Verification REST API call that accomplishes the same task, for reference:

using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;

class Program
    private const string _to = "<REPLACE_WITH_TO_NUMBER>";
    private const string _key = "<REPLACE_WITH_APP_KEY>";
    private const string _secret = "<REPLACE_WITH_APP_SECRET>";

    private const string _sinchUrl = "";
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        await SendSMSPinWithBasicAuth();

    private static async Task SendSMSPinWithBasicAuth()
        using (var _client = new HttpClient())
            var requestBody = GetSMSVerificationRequestBody();
            var base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{_key}:{_secret}"));

            var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, _sinchUrl);
            requestMessage.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("authorization", "basic " + base64String);
            requestMessage.Content = requestBody;

            var request = await _client.SendAsync(requestMessage);

            Console.WriteLine(request.StatusCode + " " + request.ReasonPhrase);
            Console.WriteLine(await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

    public static StringContent GetSMSVerificationRequestBody()
        var myData = new
            identity = new {
                type = "number",
                endpoint = _to
            method = "sms",

        return new StringContent(
using System.Text.Json;
using Sinch;
using Sinch.Verification.Report.Request;

var sinch = new SinchClient("YOUR_access_key", 

var verification = sinch.Verification("YOUR_application_key", "YOUR_application_secret");

var response = await verification.Verification.StartSms("YOUR_phone_number");
Console.WriteLine(JsonSerializer.Serialize(response, new JsonSerializerOptions()
    WriteIndented = true

This example highlights the following required to successfully make a Verification API call using the Sinch .NET SDK:


When using the Sinch .NET SDK, you initialize communication with the Sinch backend by initializing the .NET SDK's main client class. This client allows you to access the functionality of the Sinch .NET SDK.


To start using the Verification API with the SDK, you need to initialize the main client class with your credentials from your Sinch dashboard and additionally create a Verification client object that uses your Verification app credentials.


For testing purposes on your local environment it's fine to use hardcoded values, but before deploying to production we strongly recommend using environment variables to store the credentials.

using Sinch;

var sinch = new SinchClient("YOUR_project_id",

var verification = sinch.Verification("YOUR_application_key", "YOUR_application_secret");

Or, if you only need to use Verification API:

using Sinch;

var sinch = new SinchClient(default, default, default);

var verification = sinch.Verification("YOUR_application_key", "YOUR_application_secret");

Verification domain

The Sinch .NET SDK organizes different functionalities in the Sinch product suite into domains. These domains are accessible through the client. For example, Sinch.Verification.[Endpoint_Category].[Method()].

Endpoint categories

In the Sinch .NET SDK, Verification API endpoints are accessible through the client. The naming convention of the endpoint's representation in the SDK matches the API:

  • Verification.Verification
  • Verification.VerificationStatus

For example:

    using Sinch;
    using Sinch.Verification.Start.Response;

    StartSmsVerificationResponse response = await verification.Verification.StartSms("YOUR_phone_number");

Verification.Verification endpoint category

The Verification.Verification category of the .NET SDK corresponds corresponds to the verifications start endpoint. The mapping between the API operations and corresponding .NET methods are described below:
API operationSDK method
Start an SMS PIN verification requestStartSms()
Start a FlashCall verification requestStartFlashCall()
Start a Phone Call verification requestStartCallout()
Start a Data verification requestStartSeamless()
Report an SMS PIN verification code by the identity of the recipientReportSmsByIdentity()
Report a FlashCall verification by the identity of the recipientReportFlashCallByIdentity()
Report a Phone Call verification code by the identity of the recipientReportCalloutByIdentity()
Report an SMS PIN verification code by the ID of the verification requestReportSmsById()
Report a FlashCall verification by the ID of the verification requestReportFlashCallById()
Report a Phone Call verification code by the ID of the verification requestReportCalloutById()

Verification.VerificationStatus endpoint category

The Verification.VerificationStatus category of the .NET SDK corresponds to the verifications endpoint. The mapping between the API operations and corresponding .NET methods are described below:
API operationSDK method
Get the status of a verification by the ID of the verification requestGetById()
Get the status of a verification by the identity of the recipientGetByIdentity()
Get the status of a verification by a reference valueGetByReference()

Request and query parameters

Requests and queries made using the .NET SDK are similar to those made using the Verification API. Many of the fields are named and structured similarly. For example, consider a request to check on the status of a verification request by using the Identity of the request. One request is using the REST API, and the other is using our .NET SDK:

    var response = await verification.VerificationStatus.GetByIdentity("YOUR_phone_number", VerificationMethod.Sms);
    var request = client.GetAsync("" + "YOUR_verification_method" + "/number/" + "YOUR_phone_number").Result;

Note that the path parameters that are used in the API are all passed as arguments to the corresponding .NET method.

Field name differences

When translating field names from the Verification API to the .NET SDK, remember that many of the API field names are in camelCase. In the .NET SDK, field names are in PascalCase. This pattern change manages almost all field name translations between the API and the SDK.

Below is a table detailing field names present in the Verification API and their modified counterparts in the Verification API .NET SDK:

API field nameSDK field name

Additionally, there are certain fields that are represented by an .NET enum value instead of a string. For example:

API field nameSDK field name
method: "sms"VerificationMethodEx.Sms


Response fields match the API responses. They are delivered as .NET objects. If there are any responses that differ significantly from the API responses, we note them in the endpoint category documentation.

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