Class DeliveryReportType


public class DeliveryReportType extends EnumDynamic<String,DeliveryReportType>
DeliveryReportType authorized values
  • Field Details

    • NONE

      public static final DeliveryReportType NONE
      No delivery report callback will be sent.

      public static final DeliveryReportType SUMMARY
      A single delivery report callback will be sent.
    • FULL

      public static final DeliveryReportType FULL
      A single delivery report callback will be sent which includes a list of recipients per delivery status.

      public static final DeliveryReportType PER_RECIPIENT
      A delivery report callback will be sent for each status change of a message. This could result in a lot of callbacks and should be used with caution for larger batches. These delivery reports also include a timestamp of when the Delivery Report originated from the SMSC.

      public static final DeliveryReportType PER_RECIPIENT_FINAl
      A delivery report callback representing the final status of a message will be sent for each recipient. This will send only one callback per recipient, compared to the multiple callbacks sent when using per_recipient. The delivery report will also include a timestamp of when it originated from the SMSC.
  • Method Details