Class VerificationMethod


public class VerificationMethod extends EnumDynamic<String,VerificationMethod>
The type of the verification request.
  • Field Details

    • SMS

      public static final VerificationMethod SMS
      Verification by SMS message with a PIN code.

      public static final VerificationMethod FLASH_CALL
      Verification by placing a flashVerificationResultEvent call (missed call) and detecting the incoming calling number (CLI).

      public static final VerificationMethod PHONE_CALL
      Verification by placing a PSTN call to the user's phone and playing an announcement, asking the user to press a particular digit to verify the phone number.
    • DATA

      public static final VerificationMethod DATA
      Data verification. Verification by accessing internal infrastructure of mobile carriers to verify if given verification attempt was originated from device with matching phone number.
  • Method Details