Class DtfmModeType


public class DtfmModeType extends EnumDynamic<String,DtfmModeType>
Determines what DTMF mode the participant will use in the call.
  • Field Details

    • IGNORE

      public static final DtfmModeType IGNORE
      Nothing is done with the participant's DTMF signals. This is the default mode. Any DTMF signals that the participant sends can still be heard by all participants, but no action will be performed.

      public static final DtfmModeType FORWARD
      The participant's DTMF signals are forwarded to all other participants in the conference
    • DETECT

      public static final DtfmModeType DETECT
      The participant's DTMF signals are detected by the conference and sent to your backend server using a Prompt Input Event (PIE) callback.
      See Also:
  • Method Details