Class VoiceRegion

public class VoiceRegion extends EnumDynamic<String,VoiceRegion>
The Calling API uses a variety of endpoints depending on where in the world you are located.

When using methods concerning individual calls, you can define what regional endpoint you want to use for the call. The following regional endpoints are available:

For cases where the call is the result of an incoming PSTN, SIP or data call, the endpoint to use for managing that call is supplied in the ICE event. ICE callbacks will also provide region-specific URLs in the callResourceUrl property.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • GLOBAL

      public static final VoiceRegion GLOBAL
      Global - redirected by Sinch to the closest region
    • EUROPE

      public static final VoiceRegion EUROPE

      public static final VoiceRegion NORTH_AMERICA
      North America

      public static final VoiceRegion SOUTH_AMERICA
      South America

      public static final VoiceRegion SOUTH_EAST_ASIA1
      South East Asia 1

      public static final VoiceRegion SOUTH_EAST_ASIA2
      South East Asia 2
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static Stream<VoiceRegion> values()
      Get declared values
      Stream of values
    • from

      public static VoiceRegion from(String value)
      Get value from a string
      value - String identifier
      Dynamic enum from value. A new enum is created if value is not yet registered
    • valueOf

      public static String valueOf(VoiceRegion value)
      Value of the enum as String
      value - The enum identifier
      String identifier of the enum value