Delivery Report Statuses

The following table lists the responses returned with delivery reports.

Status Status text Description
Deferred Deferred The end user’s handset has retrieved the MMS header, but hasn't downloaded the full message from the mobile operator. The end user's handset may still download the message at a later time.
Expired Expired The end user’s handset could not retrieve the message before reaching the expiry time. Each mobile operator has their own expiry time, after which they will stop trying to send messages such as an MMS.
Forwarded Forwarded The message has been sent successfully to the mobile network.
Indeterminate Indeterminate The mobile operator could not determine if the message was delivered correctly. This occurs when the handset can't return an MMS delivery report.
NotSupported NotSupported Request made to the MMS gateway is not supported.
Rejected Rejected Technical issues/System or Server errors/Content blocked by Mobile Operator/Exceeded MMS Size/ Other errors.
Retrieved Success The message was successfully sent to the handset.
Unreachable Unreachable Server/Endpoint is unreachable.
Unrecognized Unrecognized The end user’s handset doesn't recognize the MMS content.

MMS Status Codes

StatusCode StatusText Details
1000 Success Successfully parsed and validated request.
2000 Client error Invalid IP Address or Protocol
2002 Address Error Invalid Address
2004 Multimedia refused Carrier refuses content
2007 Unable to parse request Message format corrupt
2550 Account disabled Your account is no longer provisioned for MMS
2551 Account not Provisioned for MM7 Your account is not provisioned for MM7 API
2560 Content length exceeded maximum supported request size Reduce the size of the content you are sending.
2561 Invalid sender identification Sender identification invalid or missing.
2562 Invalid VASID The VASID is your ServiceID
2563 Invalid source address The Shortcode may be incorrect or not provisioned
2564 Invalid VASPID The VASPID is your API Key
2565 Message rejected, reply charging not supported Message rejected, reply charging not supported
2566 Invalid carrier Invalid carrier ID.
2567 Missing carrier ID Carrier ID is required to be passed
2568 Unable to authenticate Ensure the HTTP username and password you have specified are correct and formatted properly within the Authorization header.
2569 Carrier Lookup Service is down. Please retry. The carrier lookup server is not responding. Please retry again.
2571 DisplayOnly Attribute Error displayOnly=true cannot be set for all Numbers in the request.
2572 DisplayOnly Attribute Error displayOnly=false can be set only once in the request.
2500 Missing or Invalid HTTP header Content-Length or Content-Type Ensure the HTTP Content-Length and Content Type header are included and valid.
2502 Missing destination address Ensure the recipient is specified correctly for the MM7 version that's used.
2503 Multiple destination addresses not supported Multiple recipients not supported. Instead, create multiple messages
2504 Missing source address Ensure source address is specified correctly for the MM7 version that's used
2505 Missing or unsupported MM7 Version Ensure specified MM7 version is on the list of supported versions, and is in the format x.y.z
2506 Missing XML element - Content Ensure the Content element is included in the SubmitRequest.
2507 Unsupported namespace Ensure that all the namespaces specified are on the list of supported namespaces.
2510 Missing or Invalid SOAP header Ensure the SOAP envelope contains a SOAP header with only the TransactionID element
2511 Missing or Invalid SOAP body Ensure the SOAP envelope contains a SOAP body with the SubmitReq
2512 Unsupported operation SubmitReq is the only supported operation
2513 Unable to parse attachment Ensure your attachment is specified, and encoded properly
2514 Invalid SOAP attachment header Content-Type Ensure the Content-Type headers of all the attachments are formatted properly
2515 Invalid SOAP body part Content-Type Ensure the Content-Type header of the SOAP body part, aka the SOAP envelope part, is formatted properly
2570 Carrier Not Provisioned This carrier is not provisioned in the system.
3000 System error Internal system/service error.
3001 Number blacklisted Phone number is blacklisted for receiving messages don't retry
3002 Charged party not supported Charged Party not supported
3003 Multimedia download failed Using URLs in the MM7 the fetch of content failed or took too long
3510 Throughput exceeded Throughput exceeded please retry later
3520 Provisioning issue Provisioning problem, please contact your account manager
3500 Timeout Carrier gateway timeout
4000 General service error Carrier rejects the message due to a general service error
4002 Unsuported MM7 version The carrier doesn't support this MM7 version
4003 Unsupported operation Carrier rejects the message due to unsupported operation or format
4004 Validation error Validation error
4006 Service unavailable Carrier capacity reached. Retry later
4007 Service denied Carrier denies service for the recipient address

Retry Error Codes

StatusCode StatusText Details
2569 Carrier Lookup Service is down. Please retry. The carrier lookup server is not responding. Please retry again.
3000 System error Internal system/service error.
3510 Throughput exceeded Throughput exceeded please retry later.
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