
Send an MMS that has been defined in XML. Read more.


Sends an MMS defined in the XML containing slides of embedded with video, audio, images and/or text to a single number in international number format. The sendMMS is a minor extension of the saveMMS function. Note, while elements may be given in any order, the slides are created in the order given in the API call.

While the sendMMS API method allows sending slides containing video elements, it's not recommended as it introduces latency during the call. Therefore, Sinch suggests strongly that you use the saveMMS API call to submit video content and then Sinch MMS service can transcode the contents in advance before you request the sendSavedMMS API call.

If the sendMMS API is used to send the same content to multiple users, at present the Sinch application doesn't cache this content as such the content will need to be uploaded for each request. This is another reason Sinch suggests that you use combination of saveMMS and sendSavedMMS API calls.

The mandatory parameter ‘fallback-sms-text’ sets the text that's sent if the MMS is delivered via an SMS link. Additionally, if the MMS is delivered via an SMS link, the ‘fallback-sms-link-expiration’ parameter can be used to expire the original MMS link. The content on the MMS link is disabled on the date defined by the parameter. By default, it expires 365 days from the date the original MMS was created.

Sinch will send an HTTP GET request to the server that is specified in the XML slide of the embedded images, videos, audios, and/or other object URIs to retrieve the contents of the media file. The HTTP response header Sinch receives from the server MUST contain the Content-Length field indicating the size of the resource. Otherwise, the API request will fail. Customers using CDNs that employ chunked transfer encoding may run into problems in which the server returns a Transfer-Encoding field with a value of "chunked" specified in the HTTP GET response, rather than the server returning Content-Length. If a Transfer-Encoding field with a value of "chunked" is specified in an HTTP, the API request will be rejected.

All media files are expected to serve a valid content-type header (for example, text/plain, image/gif, audio/mp3, video/mp4, etc.). If a file server serves a file using the application/octet-stream content-type header instead, it may be rejected if the MIME type cannot be determined by other means.

Request Parameters:

Mandatory: action, api_key, to, from, name, slide, fallback-sms-text, service-id

Optional: operatorid, campaignRef, message-subject, image, audio, video, url, text, duration, vcard, ical, pdf, passbook, message-text, fallback-sms-link-expiration

Response Parameters:

status, to, mmsId, trackingId, errorCode, errorInfo

Related Error Codes:

All saveMMS Error Codes plus E110, E111, E201, E628

Request Example

sendMMS Request

    <message-subject>The subject</message-subject>
        <message-text>Here is some text blah blah ...</message-text>

Response examples

sendMMS Success Response

    <status-details>MMS request accepted and queued for delivery</status-details>

sendMMS Failure Response

    <error-info>Invalid shortcode</error-info>
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