Provisioning errors

The following sections detail errors used in SMS Scheduled Provisioning configuration by the Numbers API. Provisioning statuses consist of a Sinch status along with the external error code from the system which originated the error, if available.

10DLC Errors

INTERNAL_ERROR - Internal error

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Internal error. CRS0003 Invalid account ID. Please contact Sinch support.
Internal error. CRS0013 Unable to check account balance for a prepaid account. Please contact Sinch support.
Internal error. CRS0015 An internal error during number provisioning. Please contact Sinch support.

CAMPAIGN_NOT_AVAILABLE - Campaign unavailable

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Campaign not available from TCR. Check the campaignId provided and ensure Sinch has been selected as the Direct Connection Aggregator (DCA). 502, 501 Ensure Sinch has been selected as the Direct Connection Aggregator (DCA) and Sinch has accepted the campaign in TCR.

EXCEEDED_10DLC_LIMIT - 10DLC limit exceeded

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Too many numbers have been added to this campaign. Most campaigns can only support 50 numbers. Sole Proprietor campaigns can only support one number. Please create a new campaign or please contact Sinch support to convert this campaign to a number pool campaign. CRS0001 The T-Mobile API will throw an error if more than 50 numbers are assigned to a non number pool campaign. Either deprovision the existing numbers from the campaign to keep the count of numbers under 50 or contact Service Implementation team to convert campaign to number pool.
Too many numbers have been added to this campaign. Most campaigns can only support 50 numbers. Sole Proprietor campaigns can only support one number. Please create a new campaign or please contact Sinch support to convert this campaign to a number pool campaign. 1221 The provisioning limit has been reached for this property-value.
Too many numbers have been added to this campaign. Most campaigns can only support 50 numbers. Sole Proprietor campaigns can only support one number. Please create a new campaign or please contact Sinch support to convert this campaign to a number pool campaign. 60142 Max allowed Application Address association is 50. Request contains 51 association of Application Address. Either deprovision the existing numbers from the campaign to keep the count of numbers under 50 or contact Service Implementation team to convert campaign to number pool.

NUMBER_PROVISIONING_FAILED - Failed to provision numbers

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
This number could not be provisioned to the campaign. Please select a new number or contact Sinch support for assistance. 50008, 50034, 60064, 60135, 60143, 60144 This can be fixed by either manually retrying at a later time or by selecting a new number. If it still fails, contact Service Implementation team to escalate the issue to Net Number.
This number could not be provisioned to the campaign. Please select a new number or contact Sinch support for assistance. 1212 If the number is customer owned, check the OSR record for the number and ask the customer to update the campaign ID and context correctly.
This number could not be provisioned to the campaign. Please select a new number or contact Sinch support for assistance. CRS0017 Update the sub ID in the OSR.
This number could not be provisioned to the campaign. Please select a new number or contact Sinch support for assistance. CRS0018 Sub ID number pool needs to be added for the given NNID by Support Implementation team.
This number could not be provisioned to the campaign. Please select a new number or contact Sinch support for assistance. CRS0019 Please contact Sinch support.
This number could not be provisioned to the campaign. Please select a new number or contact Sinch support for assistance. 202 Indicates Pending response from OSR when trying to update NNID for a number. It may take upto 2 business days to get Approved/Rejected response. Please retry again after some time.

PARTNER_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Partner service unavailable

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
One of Sinch's partners is temporarily unavailable, and we are unable to complete the registration at this time. Please try again later. CRS0503, CRS0501, CRS0502, 9000, 1500, 590 Try request again at a later time.

CAMPAIGN_PENDING_ACCEPTANCE - Pending campaign acceptance

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Sinch has not yet accepted this campaign. Please contact Service Implementation team for assistance. CRS0009 Ensure Sinch has been selected as the Direct Connection Aggregator (DCA) and Sinch has accepted the campaign in TCR. If the campaign is shared with Sinch but not accepted in TCR, please contact Service Implementation team for assistance.

MNO_SHARING_ERROR - MNO sharing error

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Campaign has not been shared with MNO. Sinch has retried this provisioning multiple times, but we will need to follow up with the carrier. Please contact Sinch support for assistance. 50026, 50023, 60083, 6018, 60001, 6016 Please contact Service Implementation team to open a ticket with TCR.

CAMPAIGN_PROVISIONING_FAILED - Failed to provision campaign

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
This campaign could not be provisioned. Verify that the campaign is correct or please contact Sinch support for assistance. 70001, 50017, 60060, CRS0020 Please contact Service Implementation team to open a ticket with TCR.
This campaign could not be provisioned. Verify that the campaign is correct or please contact Sinch support for assistance. 1214 Please contact Service Implementation team to open a ticket with TCR.
This campaign could not be provisioned. Verify that the campaign is correct or please contact Sinch support for assistance. CRS0002 Please contact Service Implementation team to open a ticket with TCR.


Description Resolution actions
The number could not be added to the specified SMS Serviceplan. Please select a different service plan or contact customer support for assistance. Select a different service plan or contact customer support for assistance.

CAMPAIGN_EXPIRED - Expired campaign

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Campaign has expired in TCR. Please select another campaign. CRS0005 Customer needs to select another campaign.

CAMPAIGN_MNO_REJECTED - Campaign rejected by MNO

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Campaign has been rejected by one or more MNOs. Please select another campaign. CRS0006 Customer needs to select another campaign.

CAMPAIGN_MNO_SUSPENDED - Campaign suspended by MNO

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Campaign has been suspended by one or more MNOs. Please select another campaign. CRS0007 Customer needs to select another campaign.

CAMPAIGN_MNO_REVIEW - Campaign in review by MNO

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Campaign is being reviewed by one or more MNOs. Campaign must be approved by all MNOs before provisioning can continue. Please try again later. CRS0008 Customer needs to retry at a later time.

INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE - Insufficient credit in account

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
There is insufficient balance in the prepaid account to cover for campaign setup fee. Please provide payment via and try again after balance has been updated. CRS0004 Customer needs to provide payment via and try again after balance has been updated.

MOCK_CAMPAIGN_NOT_ALLOWED - Cannot provision mock campaigns

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Number cannot be added to a mock campaign. Please select another campaign. CRS0010 Customer needs to select another non-mock campaign.

TFN_NOT_ALLOWED - Partner service unavailable

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Toll-free number cannot be provisioned as a 10DLC number. Please select a valid 10DLC number. CRS0011 Customer needs to select valid 10DLC.

INVALID_NNID - Partner service unavailable

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Invalid NNID provided in the number provision request. The NNID provided should belong to the customer account. Please contact Sinch support for assistance. CRS0012 Contact the Service Implementation team to ensure the NNID provided in the request is configured in the account.

INCORRECT_PROJECT_ID - Partner service unavailable

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Only numbers from the same project ID are allowed to be assigned to a campaign. Please provide the project id which was set while assigning the first number to the campaign. Please contact Sinch support in case you want to assign numbers from a different project ID. CRS0014 Customer must provide same project ID for all provisioning requests for a campaign. If incorrect project ID was assigned the first time and needs to be updated, contact the Service Implementation team to update the project ID.

LOA_REQUIRED - LOA is required

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
The number cannot be updated in OSR. LOA is required from the number provider. Please contact Sinch support for assistance. 1211 Please contact Service Implementation team to provide LOA to OSR.

Toll-Free Number (TFN) errors

INTERNAL_ERROR - Partner service unavailable

Description Mapped codes Resolution actions
Invalid account credentials. The credentials you are using are not associated with an active Sinch account that is enabled for this service. Please review your credentials in the settings section of In case of further problems, please reach out to Sinch support team. CRS1001 Please contact Sinch support.
Internal error. CRS1002 Please contact Sinch support.
Internal error. CRS1003 Please contact Sinch support.
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