Set chat configuration parameters

To enable the basic version of chat, call the SinchSdk.Chat.mount(); method when the SDK has already been initialized and the user identity set. For more customized experience, you can pass additional properties to the mount method.

Parameter Type Description
isLocationPickerEnabled boolean Toggles the location picker functionality in the chat widget.
isEmojiPickerEnabled boolean Toggles the emoji picker functionality in the chat widget.
isDocumentEnabled boolean Toggles the document picker functionality in the chat widget.
isImagePickerAvailable boolean Toggles the image picker functionality in the chat widget.
isToolbarAvailable boolean Toggles whether the toolbar is available in the chat widget.
darkmode boolean Toggles dark mode.
showDefaultChatButton boolean Toggles whether the default chat button is available in the chat widget.
showRefreshConversationButton boolean Enables the refresh button. Works for anonymous users (without uuid and uuidHash).
showCloseButton boolean Enables the close button, which allows users to end the conversation.
showScrollbar boolean Enables the scrollbar in the chat display area where messages are shown.
chatPositionOffset number or number[] Specifies the offset of the chat widget from the bottom right corner of the screen.
brandText string Sets the brand text that displays in the top bar of the chat widget.
brandColor string Sets the brand color of the chat widget.
brandColorLight string Sets the light mode brand color.
brandColorDark string Sets the dark mode brand color.
defaultAgent {
displayName?: string;
pictureUrl?: string;
Allows you to set either a custom client icon or a client name. In the case of the name, the first letter will be displayed in place of the image.
sendInitialMessage boolean Enables the event that triggers the initiation of a conversation.
initialScreenConfig InitialScreenConfig Specifies the content of the initial screen, which precedes the conversation start or can be optionally disabled.
uiConfig UiConfig Defines the appearance of specific components within the widget


Parameter Type Description
enabled boolean Determines whether the initial screen is enabled.
imageUrl string Sets the main image of the initial screen.
form { fields: InitialScreenConfigField[] } Defines the form displayed on the initial screen.


Parameter Type Description
name string Determines the unique name of the field that will be sent as metadata in the conversation.
type HTML Input Type Specifies the field type compatible with HTML Input type.
required boolean Determines whether the field is mandatory.
placeholder string Specifies the placeholder for the input.


Parameter Type
navigationBarBackgroundColor string
navigationCloseChatButtonColor string
navigationCloseChatButtonImage string
navigationRefreshChatButtonColor string
navigationMinimiseChatButtonColor string
fileDocumentMenuImage string

Examples of chat configurations:

Custom chat widget icon

const image = document.createElement('img');
image.src = ''; = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '0'; = '100px'; = '20px 30px'; = 'pointer'; = '999';

image.addEventListener('click', () => {

    chatPositionOffset: [150, 40],
    showDefaultChatButton: false,

Custom form on the initial screen

    initialScreenConfig: {
        imageUrl: '',
        form: {
            fields: [
                    name: 'display_name',
                    type: 'text',
                    placeholder: 'Firstname Lastname',
                    required: false,
                    name: 'email',
                    type: 'email',
                    placeholder: 'Your email address',
                    required: true,
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