
With Sinch Chat, it's possible to provide your own translations for all texts. To do that, use setTranslation method and provide a translation object with your custom values. Here's an example:

  initialScreen: {
    title: 'Welcome to live chat',
    description: 'We’re here to help you.',
Key Default text
typeMessageHere Type message here
emojiPickerTitle Pick your emoji…
emojiPickerButton Add emoji
imagePickerButton Add image
endChatButton End chat
continue Continue
shareLocation Share your location
document Document
endChatPrompt EndChatPrompt
initialScreen InitialScreen


Key Default text
title End chat session?
description Are you sure you want to end chat session? If you still need help please continue the conversation.
confirm End chat
cancel Continue


Key Default text
title Welcome to live chat support.
description We are ready to help you.
startButton Start Chat
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