Get started creating a subproject using Node.js

This guide will walk you through creating a new subproject for a Sinch project using Node.js.


Before you can get started, you need the following already set up:

  1. Set up your Node.js application.
  2. Create your subproject.

Set up your Node.js application

  1. Once you setup your free Sinch account, create a new node app with npm.
    npm init
  2. Accept the defaults for the application.
  3. Add the fetch package with npm to generate the necessary dependencies.
    npm install node-fetch
  4. Create a new file named index.mjs in the project and paste the provided code into the file.

Create your subproject

Now, we'll customize and run the code that will create a subproject under your specified Sinch project ID.

Fill in your parameters

  1. Assign your values to the following parameters:
    ParameterYour value
    YOUR_projectIdThe corresponding project ID that you would like to create a subproject under. Your projectId can be found in the Sinch Customer Dashboard under Settings, then Access Keys.
    displayNameThe display name is a name given to represent this particular subproject. In a resale setting, this would be your customer's business name.
    labelsLabels contain a series of key:value pairs that are completely customizable. You can assign your own key and value. This is a great way to keep metadata with the subproject.
  2. Save the file.
  3. Execute the code and create your first subproject.

    Run the following command:

    node index.mjs

Next Steps

Check out our full API reference for more subproject options.

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