Class BatchText


public class BatchText extends Batch<String>
BatchText type
  • Constructor Details

    • BatchText

      public BatchText(String id, Collection<String> to, String from, Boolean canceled, String body, Instant createdAt, Instant modifiedAt, DeliveryReportType deliveryReport, Instant sendAt, Instant expireAt, String callbackUrl, String clientReference, Boolean flashMessage, Boolean feedbackEnabled, Parameters parameters, Boolean truncateConcat, Integer maxNumberOfMessageParts, Integer fromTon, Integer fromNpi)
      id - Unique identifier for batch
      to - List of Phone numbers and group IDs that will receive the batch
      from - Sender number. Must be valid phone number, short code or alphanumeric. Required if Automatic Default Originator not configured.
      canceled - Indicates if the batch has been canceled or not.
      body - The message content
      createdAt - when batch was created
      modifiedAt - when batch was last updated
      deliveryReport - Request delivery report callback. Note that delivery reports can be fetched from the API regardless of this setting
      sendAt - If set in the future, the message will be delayed until send_at occurs. Must be before expire_at. If set in the past, messages will be sent immediately
      expireAt - If set, the system will stop trying to deliver the message at this point. Must be after send_at. Default and max is 3 days after send_at
      callbackUrl - Override the default callback URL for this batch. Must be valid URL.
      clientReference - The client identifier of a batch message. If set, the identifier will be added in the delivery report/callback of this batch
      flashMessage - If sent as a flash message, displays true.
      feedbackEnabled - If set to true, then feedback is expected after successful delivery.
      parameters - Contains the parameters that will be used for customizing the message for each recipient.
      truncateConcat - If set to true, the message was shortened when exceeding one part.
      maxNumberOfMessageParts - Displays the number of message parts set in the request.
      fromTon - The type of number for the sender number.
      fromNpi - Number Plan Indicator for the sender number.
  • Method Details

    • getParameters

      public Parameters getParameters()
    • isFlashMessage

      public Boolean isFlashMessage()
    • isTruncateConcat

      public Boolean isTruncateConcat()
    • getMaxNumberOfMessageParts

      public Integer getMaxNumberOfMessageParts()
    • getFromTon

      public Integer getFromTon()
    • getFromNpi

      public Integer getFromNpi()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Batch<String>
    • builder

      public static BatchText.Builder builder()