Class Batch<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of batch
Direct Known Subclasses:
BatchBinary, BatchMedia, BatchText

public class Batch<T> extends Object
Base class for Batch types
  • Constructor Details

    • Batch

      public Batch(String id, Collection<String> to, String from, Boolean canceled, T body, Instant createdAt, Instant modifiedAt, DeliveryReportType deliveryReport, Instant sendAt, Instant expireAt, String callbackUrl, String clientReference, Boolean feedbackEnabled)
      id - Unique identifier for batch
      to - List of Phone numbers and group IDs that will receive the batch
      from - Sender number. Must be valid phone number, short code or alphanumeric. Required if Automatic Default Originator not configured.
      canceled - Indicates if the batch has been canceled or not.
      body - The message content
      createdAt - when batch was created
      modifiedAt - when batch was last updated
      deliveryReport - Request delivery report callback. Note that delivery reports can be fetched from the API regardless of this setting
      sendAt - If set in the future, the message will be delayed until send_at occurs. Must be before expire_at. If set in the past, messages will be sent immediately
      expireAt - If set, the system will stop trying to deliver the message at this point. Must be after send_at. Default and max is 3 days after send_at
      callbackUrl - Override the default callback URL for this batch. Must be valid URL.
      clientReference - The client identifier of a batch message. If set, the identifier will be added in the delivery report/callback of this batch
      feedbackEnabled - If set to true, then feedback is expected after successful delivery.
  • Method Details

    • batchBuilder

      public static <T> Batch.BatchBuilder<T> batchBuilder()
    • getId

      public String getId()
    • getTo

      public Collection<String> getTo()
    • getFrom

      public String getFrom()
    • isCanceled

      public Boolean isCanceled()
    • getBody

      public T getBody()
    • getCreatedAt

      public Instant getCreatedAt()
    • getModifiedAt

      public Instant getModifiedAt()
    • getDeliveryReport

      public DeliveryReportType getDeliveryReport()
    • getSendAt

      public Instant getSendAt()
    • getExpireAt

      public Instant getExpireAt()
    • getCallbackUrl

      public String getCallbackUrl()
    • getClientReference

      public String getClientReference()
    • isFeedbackEnabled

      public Boolean isFeedbackEnabled()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object