Use verification-all module to configure multiple methods at once
Using common verification configuration parameters for different verification methods.
If your application allows the user to authenticate via various verification methods it might be more readable to initiate the verification using VerificationInitData
and CommonVerificationInitializationParameters
is simply a structure that holds all common parameters that can be passed to a verification configuration object and additionally, it's a method used to verify the phone number.
private val initData: VerificationInitData
get() =
usedMethod = buttonToMethodMap[methodToggle.checkedButtonId],
number = phoneInput.editText?.text.toString(),
custom = customInput.editText?.text.toString(),
reference = referenceInput.editText?.text.toString(),
honourEarlyReject = honoursEarlyCheckbox.isChecked,
acceptedLanguages = acceptedLanguagesInput?.editText?.text.toString().toLocaleList()
In case of Android, the only method specific parameter for now is the application hash needed by the SMS method. Method specific builders have been implemented mostly for future development purposes and for usage with single verification methods.
Contrary to VerificationInitData
that holds parameters of configuration objects, CommonVerificationInitializationParameters
collects Verification
instance properties and is designed to work together with VerificationInitData
val verification = BasicVerificationMethodBuilder.createVerification(
commonVerificationInitializationParameters = CommonVerificationInitializationParameters(
globalConfig = app.globalConfig,
verificationInitData = initData,
initiationListener = initListener,
verificationListener = this
Download the sample application and decide which Verification
object creation suits your needs best. The Verification Sample project uses the verification-all module and VerificationSmsSample uses a method specific builder to create SMS verification instances when no other methods are needed.