The verification process

The verification process in the Android Verification SDK. It's performed in two steps: requesting a verification code and verifying the received code. This can be done through Sms, flashcall, callout and seamlessly.

Verification of a phone number is performed in two steps: requesting a verification code and verifying the received code.

Depending on chosen verification method, the SDK can automatically verify any matching code (assuming all the required permissions were provided (see Permissions)) or wait for manual code input.

  • SMS Verification - Received text message will be matched against the expected template. If it matches, the code will be extracted and sent to Sinch backend.
  • Flashcall Verification - Any incoming phone call number will be checked if it matches expected mask. If it does, the full number will be sent to the backend thus passing the verification process. If the process finishes successfully, the call will be hung up automatically.
  • Callout Verification - No automatic code extraction is possible. SDK expects the code to be passed manually. User can obtain the code by answering the incoming phone call, during which text-to-speech software will speak it out loud.
  • Seamless Verification - Completely automatic method. Two steps of verification mentioned earlier are unified into one. Sinch uses telephony provider infrastructure to verify the phone number without any user interaction. Because of that, for this method to work, the mobile data should be enabled (in case both WiFi and mobile data are on, SDK will try to force usage of the latter for API calls).

During the process of every verification, SDK will callback first to the InitiationListener (with the result of the verification request) and then to the VerificationListener (result of specific code verification), see InitiationListener and VerificationListener for more information.

If the permissions needed for automatic verification are not provided, method doesn't provide automatic verification or for some other reason automatic code extraction fails the verify method on the Verification object should be invoked with a user-supplied verification code to verify the phone number.


The SDK will abort verification process and trigger the onVerificationFailed passing CodeInterceptionTimeoutException after a certain time, typically around 20 seconds. However, in case of flashcall the SDK will continue to listen for calls for an additional time after the verification has failed, in order to intercept and report any possible late calls.


The android.permission.INTERNET permission is required for the Verification SDK to work. To handle flash call verification automatically android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG is needed. In case of seamless method SDK needs android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE to be able to automatically switch to mobile data for API calls connected with the verification process. Additionally, SDK collects phone metadata information connected with sim cards or phone software version, which are then used to handle early verification rejection rules. For this module to be fully functional android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE should be granted. These permissions however are not essential.

Permissions handling on API levels 23 or later.

If your application targets API 23 or later the permissions have to be requested at runtime, see Runtime Permissions. It's recommended to ask the user for corresponding permissions just before initiating verification. If the verification SDK fails to intercept the code automatically due to missing permissions, the onVerificationFailed callback will be executed with an instance of CodeInterceptionException. In this case it's still possible to proceed with verification by asking the user to enter the code manually.

Creating a Verification

To initiate a verification process a Verification object needs to be created. Depending on chosen verification method this can be accomplished by calling method specific builder, passing configuration object instance and optionally initiation and verification listeners.

val verification = SmsVerificationMethod.Builder() //Use FlashcallVerificationMethod for flashcalls, CalloutVerificationMethod for callout etc.
  .config(/* Method config instance */)
  .initiationListener(/* Initiation listener instance */)
  .verificationListener(/* Verification listener instance */)

Fluent Builder Pattern is used for every object creation so the process should be self explanatory and straightforward.

Verification configuration objects

Every verification method requires a specific configuration object to be passed during the building process. Similarly to creating a verification this is done by calling config specific builder and passing the arguments requested by the Fluent Builder Pattern.

val configuration = SmsVerificationConfig.Builder()
  .globalConfig(/* Global config instance */)
  .number(/* Number to be verified */)
  // Other optional arguments

Global Configuration

Contrary to configurations specified for each verification request, for SDK to work, a single, global verification object needs to be created once and then passed to each verification method configuration. This object is simply a holder for the Android Context instance and AuthorizationMethod used to authorize the application against Sinch API (currently only AppKeyAuthorizationMethod is supported).

  .authorizationMethod(AppKeyAuthorizationMethod(/*Application Key*/))
WARNING: Important

It's important to pass ApplicationContext to the global config builder, as the object might outlive the activity or fragment it's instantiated from.

Automatic code extraction from SMS

Due to newly introduced restrictions for accessing SMS logs, automatic code extraction now relies on Google Play Services API. To enable it in your project:

  1. Calculate application hash from your release key: keytool -exportcert -alias KEY_ALIAS -keystore MY_KEY.jks | xxd -p | tr -d "[:space:]" | echo -n MY.APPLICATION.PACKAGE `cat` | sha256sum | tr -d "[:space:]-" | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -c1-11 Example result: XtNB5qNssI/
  2. Copy generated application hash to your application settings inside Sinch web portal.
WARNING: Important

Prior to version 2.1.3 of the SDK, for automatic code extraction to work, it was required to pass the application hash in the configuration object however due to potential security issues it's strongly recommended to remove these calls from your source code and save the hash in the verification settings of your application in the Sinch web portal.

That’s it! When this configuration is applied, SDK will be able to automatically parse incoming verification messages across all Android versions without the need of declaring SMS permissions in app’s manifest.

Verification Language

Although it possible to specify the language that will be used during the verification process, currently only sms method supports this feature. In order to to that, a list of VerificationLanguage objects should be passed to the configuration builder.

val topPriorityLanguage = VerificationLanguage(language = "pl", region = "PL", weight = 1)
val secondaryLanguage = VerificationLanguage(language = "es", region = "ES", weight = 0.33)
val smsMethodConfiguration = SmsVerificationConfig.Builder()
  .globalConfig(/* Global config instance */)
  .number(/* Number to be verified */)
  .appHash(/* generated hash */)
  .acceptedLanguages(listOf(topPriorityLanguage, secondaryLanguage))
  // Other optional arguments

The content language specified can be overridden by carrier provider specific templates, due to compliance and legal requirements, such as US shortcode requirements (pdf).

See IETF language tags to find all possible values that can be passed as region and language parameters of VerificationLanguage constructor. The weight argument should be within range 0–1 (lowest to highest priority). To find out what language was actually selected check contentLanguage property of SmsInitiationResponseData passed to onInitiated callback of the initiation listener.

Initiating the verification process

After creating a verification method object instance simply call it's initiate method to start the verification process.

Initiation listener

The InitiationListener provides callbacks during the initiation phase of the verification process (requesting the verification code). If initiation is successful, the onInitiated callback is triggered passing the method specific initiation data (such as selected verification language, sms template, incoming call mask or verification id). If initiated method supports automatic code interception SDK starts the process automatically. Otherwise it waits for manual code input via the verify method. If initiation fails, the onInitializationFailed() callback runs and the exception describing the error is passed.

Verification listener

The VerificationListener provides callbacks for the second stage of the verification process - checking if passed code is correct. If it's the onVerified callback is called. If it's not or some other error occurs onVerificationFailed callback runs and the exception describing the error is passed. The third callback onVerificationEvent provides verification process events, that might be used for debug purposes or to inform the user about current verification phase.

Phone numbers

WARNING: Important

The phone number should be specified according to the E.164 number formatting ( recommendation and should be prefixed with a +. See the section Phone numbers for details.

Validate code manually

To complete the verification of the phone number manually, the verification code should be passed to verify method. Depending on the method the code is:

  1. For SMS verification - number received in the sms message.
  2. For Flashcall - full phone number of the caller.
  3. For Callout - digits spoken by text-to-speech software after answering the call.
  4. For Seamless - for seamless no manual verification code input is supported, as user's phone number is validated automatically using mobile data connection provider infrastructure ( onVerified or onVerificationFailed callbacks will always be called after initiation of the verification process).



The method verify may be invoked multiple times. For example, if the verification listener is invoked with an incorrect code exception, the application may hint to the user that the code was incorrect, let the user adjust it, and call verify again on the same verification instance.

Early reject

If Sinch knows that verification is most likely to fail, an application can be configured to catch this condition and provide means to fallback fast to other verification methods. In this case the verification listener onInitializationFailed callback will be executed with an instance of ApiCallException. To enable this feature contact us at

Pass data to your backend

For each call to Verification.initiate(), the Sinch backend can perform a callback to the application backend to allow or disallow verification being initiated. By using the optional parameter custom on method configuration objects, any unique identifier can be passed from the application to the application backend. The data will be passed as a string. If there is a need for a more complex datatype, it needs to be stringified or encoded before being sent.

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