Key concepts and terms

Key concepts and terms for the Sinch Conversation API


The project entity belongs to a Sinch account, acts as a container and is the root entity from the Conversation API's point-of-view. All Conversation API resources are grouped under a project.


The app entity, which is created and configured through the Sinch Customer Dashboard, is tied to the API user and comes with a set of channel credentials for each underlying connected channel. The app has a list of conversations between itself and different contacts which share the same project.


Webhooks, which are associated with the app, are the destination(s) for various events coming from the Conversation API.

For more information on how to manage apps, see the App section of the API reference.

An app has the following configurable properties:

Field Description
Display name The name visible in the Customer Dashboard.
Conversation metadata report Specifies the amount of conversation metadata that's returned as part of each callback.
Retention Policy The retention policy specifies how long messages, sent to or from an app, are stored by the Conversation API.
Processing Mode The processing mode changes whether or not messages are associated with Contacts and Conversations. For more information, see Processing Mode

Processing modes

The processing mode, which is set at the App level, changes whether or not messages are associated with Contacts and Conversations. For more information, see Processing Mode.

Retention policy

Each App has a retention policy that specifies how long messages, sent to or from the App, are stored. The retention policy can be changed via the API by updating the corresponding app, or via the Customer Dashboard by editing the corresponding app. A retention policy is defined by the following properties:

Field Description
Retention Policy Types MESSAGE_EXPIRE_POLICY - This is the default policy. This option will remove all messages, sent or received by the app, that are older than the TTL days specified in the policy.
TTL days The days before a message or conversation is eligible for deletion. The allowed values are 1,3650 and the default value is 180 days.

Retention policy types

  • MESSAGE_EXPIRE_POLICY - this option will remove all messages, sent or received by the app , older than the TTL days specified in the policy.
  • CONVERSATION_EXPIRE_POLICY - this option only takes the last message in a conversation into consideration when deciding if a conversation should be removed or not. The entire conversation will be removed if the last message is older than the TTL days specified in the policy. The entire conversation will be kept otherwise.
  • PERSIST_RETENTION_POLICY - this option persists all messages, and conversations until they're explicitly deleted. Note that this option will be subject to additional charges in the future.


Contacts have a separate retention policy which applies at the project level and is applied to all Apps which reside within that project. The contact retention policy is configured through the dashboard.

Field Description
Retention Policy Types CONTACT_EXPIRE_POLICY - This is the default policy. This option will remove all contacts and associated conversations and messages, sent or received by the app, that are older than the TTL days specified in the policy.
TTL days The days before a message or conversation is eligible for deletion. The allowed values are 1,3650 and the default value is Persist.

While you can update the retention policy from the customer dashboard, other contact-related management tasks can be completed programmatically.

Changes from the default retention policy require legal justification. If the change is made via the dashboard, Sinch will collect the justification. If the change is made programmatically, then the obligation is upon the client to notify Sinch of the legal justification and provide it to your account manager.

This is for your own administration, and it’s your responsibility to set legally compliant retention times. Sinch doesn't perform a legal review of your internal processes and personal data processing.

Channel credential

A channel credential is the authentication means used to authenticate against an underlying connected channel. A channel credential is tied to one app.

The order of the channel credentials registered for an app is significant. It defines the channel priority order on app level when defining which channels to send first.

The app channel priority is overridden by contact channel priority order and by message specific channel priority order. A channel credential has the following configurable properties:

Field Description
Channel Which channel these credentials are used with.
Credential Specifies the type and values for the credentials used for a channel.
Callback Secret Optional. A secret for certain channels where Conversation API can validate callbacks coming from the channels.

Channel Integration State

A channel credential might need time to be processed. Some channels will report integration state PENDING while the process is ongoing. However, after a few seconds, or a minute at most you should see ACTIVE or FAILED.

Please observe that the following list of states is reported by the API. If you're managing a channel setup on the Customer Dashboard the states might have a slightly different name.

State on API State on Sinch Customer Dashboard Meaning
ACTIVE ACTIVE Your channel integration with given credentials is active, available to use.
PENDING ACTIVATING CHANNEL Your channel credentials are being process to integrate the channel. Please wait a few seconds, a minute at most, try refreshing the Sinch Dashboard.
FAILING FAILED Your channel integration failed, a description is provided about the cause of the failure.

Please observe that FAILING state can happen after ACTIVE state in certain cases:

You integrated Facebook Messenger or Instagram with a Facebook Page, and without removing the integration on the Sinch Dashboard you revoked the permission you granted to Sinch to manage your page. In this case your Messenger/Instagram credentials become invalid as per Facebook's point of view, and you need to grant these permissions again. The FAILING state will provide a description to you about this problem as well.

Message retry

The message retry mechanism allows you to handle errors gracefully by automatically retrying messages which failed during processing. Messages are retried only on temporary errors, ensuring that only transient issues trigger the retry mechanism. Permanent errors, which are unlikely to be resolved by retrying, are not subject to the automatic retry process. Messages are retried using exponential backoff with a randomized jitter. This helps prevent overwhelming the server during periods of high load.

Message retry configuration

The retry duration is configurable to meet the specific needs of your application. The system guarantees at least one retry attempt, and the retry mechanism performs a final retry attempt after the configured retry duration.

Message fallback

The message fallback mechanism allows message delivery attempts to fallback to another channel, based on channel priority, when more than one channel identity is specified in the message recipient field.

Message fallback criteria

The message fallback mechanism is triggered when any one of the following circumstances are met:

  • A permanent error occurs
  • The message retry duration expires
  • No positive Delivery Report is received during the pre-configured time (note that this condition requires additional configuration)

Message Fallback Callback

When the fallback mechanism is triggered, customers are promptly notified through a Delivery Report with the SWITCH_ON_CHANNEL status. This callback including the failed channel identity and the reason for the fallback invocation.

Delivery Report base message fallback


This feature is currently available for open beta testing. Please note that this feature is available as a paid functionality.

Delivery Report based fallback will initiate a fallback attempt when no positive Delivery Report(that is, a Delivery Report with a status ofDELIVERED or READ) is received. This helps address uncertainty regarding the success of the message delivery.

A fallback attempt will be made using the next channel in the channel priority list.


The Delivery Report based message fallback mechanism will only be active for channels that support the successful delivery state.

Important Considerations The Delivery Report based fallback mechanism is an internal Conversation Api feature designed to enhance message delivery reliability. Messages already sent to channel are not cancelled. Therefore, using this feature could cause:

  • Multiple Channel Deliveries: Because of the fallback mechanism, the same message may be delivered to multiple channels to ensure successful delivery.
  • Billing Implications: Customers should be aware that when fallbacks occur, and messages are delivered through alternative channels, billing may apply for each of those channels. This is also true for late positive Delivery Reports that come from the base channel. It is important to consider the potential impact on billing when utilizing the fallback mechanism.

Delivery Report based message fallback configuration

The configuration options related to Delivery Report based fallback are available in the settings of your Conversation API app. By default, feature is disabled.

Delivery Report based fallback callback

When this type of fallback is triggered, customers are notified in the same way as they would be for standard fallback invocation. A Delivery Report with a status of SWITCH_ON_CHANNEL will be sent. The switch reason will contain error code DELIVERY_REPORT_TIME_OUT.

Example callback:

  "accepted_time": "2023-12-12T15:00:00.000Z",
  "event_time": "2024-01-12T15:10:00.000Z",
  "project_id": "a03a7084-1e24-4ed5-978e-d7cdfbb3ceaa",
  "message_delivery_report": {
    "message_id": "01HMXZPTJ5W42FB9WWQ277M7XN",
    "conversation_id": "01GHH9A492KWBGZYB79RP1YNQ4",
    "status": "SWITCHING_CHANNEL",
    "channel_identity": {
      "channel": "VIBER",
      "identity": "bDhER5CvbuGo3/aaabbbcc==",
      "app_id": "01GRTRXMACYWHBKGTYE6A9BXXV"
    "contact_id": "01GD31H6166RCTS8RNNN85QGPJ",
    "reason": {
      "description": "Delivery Report based fallback invoked. No positive DR received during configured time. Trying channel TELEGRAM next",
      "sub_code": "UNSPECIFIED_SUB_CODE"
    "metadata": "",
    "processing_mode": "CONVERSATION"
  "message_metadata": "",
  "correlation_id": ""

A critical factor that influences the application's ability to process requests in a timely manner is the relationship between the app inbound rate limit and the rate at which requests are ingested into the message queue. To maintain timely message processing (including the retry and fallback mechanisms), it is imperative that the configured app inbound message rate of the application exceeds the rate at which messages are ingested into the message queue.


A webhook is a POST capable URL destination for receiving callbacks from the Conversation API. Beside URL, each webhook includes a set of triggers which dictates which events are to be sent to the webhook. A webhook has the following configurable properties:

Field Description
Target The target URL where events should be sent to
Target type Type of the target URL. Currently only DISMISS and HTTP are supported values. DISMISS indicates the events won't be sent
Secret Optional secret to be used to sign the content of Conversation API callbacks. Can be used to verify the integrity of the callbacks. See Validating Callbacks for details.
Triggers A set of triggers that this webhook is listening to. Example triggers include MESSAGEDELIVERY for message delivery receipts and MESSAGEINBOUND for inbound contact messages

Conversation API Callbacks provides more information about managing webhooks and the format of the callbacks.


The contact entity is a collection entity that groups together underlying connected channel recipient identities. It's tied to a specific project and is therefore considered public to all apps sharing the same project.

For more specific information on how contacts are managed by the Conversation API, see the Conversation API contact management page. For information on how to manage contacts, see the Contact section of the API reference.

A contact has the following configurable properties:

Field Description
Channel identities List of channel identities specifying how the contact is identified on underlying channels
Channel priority Specifies the channel priority order used when sending messages to this contact. This can be overridden by message specific channel priority order.
Display name Optional display name used in chat windows and other UIs
Email Optional Email of the contact
External id Optional identifier of the contact in external systems
Metadata Optional metadata associated with the contact.

Channel recipient identity

A channel recipient identity is an identifier for the contact for a specific channel. example an international phone number is used as identifier for SMS and RCS while a PSID (Page-Scoped ID) is used as the identifier for Facebook Messenger.

In the Conversation API, there are two scopes for channel identity:

  • Project-scoped channel identities are considered to be unique when they have different channel and identity value pairs within the same project. Channel identities with the same identity type (for example, a phone number in the case of the SMS and WhatsApp channels) are not considered to be equivalent for different channels .
  • App-scoped channel identities are considered to be unique when they specify different channels, identity values, and/or app ID. This means that contacts will have different channel identities when different app IDs are used to send requests .

Currently, following channels are using app-scoped channel identities:

  • Facebook Messenger
  • Viber Bot
  • Instagram
  • Apple Messages for Business
  • LINE
  • WeChat

A channel recipient identity has the following configurable properties:

Field Description
Channel The channel that this identity is used on
Channel recipient identity The actual identity, example an international phone number, email address or alphanumeric string.
App id The Conversation API's app ID if this is app-scoped channel identity. For project-scope identity this field is empty.


A collection entity that groups several conversation messages. It's tied to one specific app and one specific contact. For more information on how to manage conversations, see the Conversation section of the API reference.

Conversation message

An individual message, part of a specific conversation. For more information on how to send, retrieve, and manage messages, see the Messages section of the API reference.


There are currently three entities which can hold metadata: message, conversation and contact.

The metadata is an opaque field for the Conversation API and can be used by the API clients to retrieve a context when receiving a callback from the API. Metadata fields are currently restricted to 1024 characters.

Message processing error types

There are two processing error types:

Permanent errors

Permanent errors are those that typically result from client-side issues or incorrect requests. These errors are unlikely to be resolved by retrying the same request. For example:

  • Bad channel configuration

Temporary errors

Temporary errors are those that may be resolved by retrying the same request after a certain period of time. For example:

  • Lack of channel availability
  • Network issues during connection phase
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