Salesforce Marketing Cloud Omnichannel Connector


This article includes third-party images for reference purposes. Third-party images are subject to change at any time.

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder allows you to create communication paths, called journeys, that guide customers through their interaction with your brand. The Omnichannel Connector app, which is available on the Salesforce AppExchange, adds features to your Journey Builder that allow you to automatically send Conversation API template messages (either omni-channel or channel-specific) and incorporate Conversation API callback information into your journey.

There are many aspects of a Marketing Cloud journey, and we encourage you to review the Journey Builder documentation. When using the Omnichannel Connector app, the most relevant components of a Marketing Cloud journey are:

The entry source establishes the customer information and circumstances that trigger the journey. Messaging activities can automatically send messages to those customers, and flow controls direct the customer along the paths of your communication plan based on the information provided throughout the journey.

The Omnichannel Connector app provides you with an entry source type (and corresponding Data Extension), messaging activity, and flow control activity that allow you to make use of the Conversation APIs functionality in your journey:

  • The Omni Entry entry source collects inbound messages from Conversation API callbacks. Including this entry source in your journey allows you to dynamically respond to Mobile Originated (MO) messages. Use this entry source with the Omni Flow flow control.
  • The Omni Flow flow control collects Conversation API-specific data from the data sources that precede it on the journey, including the Omni Entry entry source.
  • The Omni Channel messaging activity allows you to send both omni-channel and channel-specific template messages on your journey. In addition to selecting which message template to use under which circumstances, you can also configure this activity to populate template parameters dynamically using any data collected throughout the journey.

The Omni Entry entry source, flow control activity, and message activity are designed to be used together. With careful administration, they may also be used with other components that are included in the Marketing Cloud Journey Builder.

This article details the steps required to:


Although information regarding the Omni Channel message activity is presented first in this article, note that entry sources always, and flow controls often, precede message activities in a Marketing Cloud journey.

Prerequisites and considerations

In order to successfully integrate your Conversation API project and apps with your Salesforce account, you must ensure that the following prerequisites are met.

Salesforce prerequisites

Ensure that you have are licensed for the Salesforce Marketing Cloud service and have a Salesforce Marketing Cloud Org set up.

Note that, at this time, the Omnichannel Connector app only supports Multi-Step journeys.

Conversation API prerequisites

In order to successfully connect a Conversation API project to a Salesforce account, and use the Omnichannel connector with Marketing Cloud, you must have:

  • At least one Conversation API app with at least one configured channel. For information on how to create a Conversation API app and configure a channel on that app, see this Getting started guide .
  • At least one omni-channel template or channel-specific template . Templates can be created using the API or the Message Composer functionality of the Sinch Customer Dashboard . Additionally, you may create new omni-channel templates during the configuration of the Omni Channel message activity .

    Omnichannel Connector support for the explicit channel message functionality of the Conversation API is currently under development.

  • A Conversation API webhook that is configured to deliver information to the Omnichannel Connector app. This requires that you set the appropriate values for Target URL and Triggers .
    • Set the Target URL to
    • Select every webhook trigger available from the Triggers drop-down list.

    You can create up to five webhooks per Conversation API app.

Endpoint considerations

The Omnichannel Connector app makes use of several of Sinch's endpoints. These include:

Endpoint Description Location Primary URL of the Omnichannel Connector EU Conversation API (EU Production) EU Conversation API (US Production) US Template Management API (EU Production) EU Template Management API (US Production) US Provisioning API EU OAuth 2.0 access token provision US

Installing the app

In order to install the Omnichannel Connector app:

  1. Navigate to the Salesforce AppExchange.
  2. Search for Sinch Omnichannel Connector and double-click the appropriate listing.

    Omnichannel search

  3. Click Get It Now .

    Omnichannel get it now

  4. Populate the form and click Visit Provider . An inquiry that includes the data you provided is sent to Sinch.

    Omnichannel form

  5. A Sinch account manager will contact you and contract you for the Sinch Omnichannel Connector. Once contracted, the Omnichannel Connector will be added to your Salesforce Marketing Cloud solution.

The time between form completion and contact with a Sinch account manager may vary.

Connecting your accounts

After you have met the above prerequisites, you are ready to connect your Conversation API account and project to your Salesforce account. This is accomplished by connecting both your Salesforce account and your Conversation API project to the Omnichannel Connector app.

To accomplish both tasks, click the AppExchange tab in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud UI and select Omnichannel Connector. Then, complete the steps described in the subsections below.

Connecting your Salesforce account

On the Sinch Omnichannel Connector package page, the Connect your Salesforce account to Omnichannel Connector section is displayed. Review the corresponding text and click Connect Salesforce account. This will connect your Salesforce account to the Omnichannel Connector.

Connect Salesforce account

Connecting your Conversation API Project

After connecting your Salesforce account, The Connect to Conversation API section is displayed. You must connect your Conversation API project to the Omnichannel Connector. In order to connect your Conversation API project to the Omnichannel connector, you'll need to have the following pieces of information (found on the customer dashboard) readily available:

To connect your account, simply enter this information into the corresponding fields. Then, click Connect to Conversation API. You may also disconnect your Conversation API project from the Omnichannel Connector app at any time.

In most cases, will only need to complete the process of connecting your Conversation API project to the Omnichannel Connector once. However, if you wish to connect to another project, or if your connection credentials change, you must disconnect your previous connection and reconnect using your new credentials.

Connect Conversation account

A summary of your configured Conversation API apps, channels, and templates is displayed.

Connected Conversation account

Using the Omni Channel message activity

In order to send messages using the Omni Channel message activity in your journey, you must:

  1. Add the Omni Channel message activity to the journey itself
  2. Configure the Omni Channel message activity

Adding the Omni Channel message activity to your journey

To add the Omni Channel message activity to your Salesforce Journey:

  1. Navigate to or create the journey to which you'd like to add the Omni Channel message activity. If you are creating a journey, ensure you select a Multi-Step journey.

    Omni Channel Multi Step

  2. Locate the Omni Channel message activity under the Messages category of the ACTIVITIES section on the left side of the screen.

    Omni Channel activity

  3. Click and drag the Omni Channel message activity to an appropriate space on your journey.

    Omni Channel drag

After it has been added to your journey, you must configure the Omni Channel message activity.

Configuring the Omni Channel message activity

To configure an Omni Channel message activity that has been included in your journey:

  1. Double-click the Omni Channel message activity that is included in your journey. The first page of the Omni Channel message activity configuration wizard is displayed.

    Omni Channel configure

  2. Select the Conversation API app to use with your Journey from the Conversation API App drop-down list.

    Select Conversation app

    You may also set the processing mode to dispatch only. Finally, you may set the queue to high priority.

  3. A new section, Select and prioritise channels , is displayed. Use the left and right arrow buttons to transfer channels from the Available channels list to the Selected channels list. The Selected channels are the channels the Omnichannel Connector app will use to send messages in this campaign. Use the up and down arrow buttons on the right side of the Selected channels list to determine channel priority.

    Select Conversation channels

  4. When you have completed selecting and prioritising your channels, click Next in the bottom right corner of the screen. The Channel identities page is displayed.
  5. The channel identities drop-down lists that are displayed depend on the channels you selected on the previous page. The channel identities represent the recipients of your message(s). For each displayed channel, select the source of the channel identity/recipient (for example, a phone number when using the SMS, WhatsApp, MMS, and/or RCS channels) from the drop-down list.

    The options available in these drop-down lists depend on the entry source that precedes the Omni Channel message activity in your journey.

    Select Conversation identities

    You may also specify what metadata to be included with sent messages. Additionally, you can specify an SMS Sender ID for outbound messages (the default Sender ID configured for your Sinch SMS account will be used if this value is not specified).

  6. After you have completed selecting channel identities, click Next in the bottom right corner of the screen. The Setup templates page is displayed.
  7. Select the omni-channel template to use when sending your message from the Omnitemplate drop-down list, or click Create Omnitemplate to create a new template. Alternatively, depending on the channels you selected earlier in the process, you may also have channel-specific templates you can choose from (these are displayed in their own sections, and may have additional options).

    If none of the channels you selected support channel-specific templates, you must select an Omnitemplate

    Select Conversation template A preview of how the message will appear on the handset is displayed on the right side of the page.

    Populate variables

  8. Depending on the template you choose, there may be more selections to make. Complete any remaining selections and click Continue setup . This may include configuring variables. Any variables are listed with a corresponding drop-down. For each variable drop-down, select the field from the preceding entry source that will be used to populate the variable.

    Populate variables

  9. After you have completed making your selections, click Next in the bottom right corner of the screen. The Summary page is displayed. Review your configuration options. You may optionally send a Test message by selecting the appropriate channel, populating required fields, and clicking Send . This will emulate the Omni Channel message activity's functionality, though the information you provide will be populated by the entry preceding the Omni Channel message activity in your journey in production.

    Omni Channel summary

  10. Once you have reviewed your configuration (and, optionally, sent a test message and validated that the test message was received), click Done in the bottom right of the screen. If there are any issues with your test message, or if you need to update your configuration, use the Back button to navigate through the configuration process and update your selections.

Retrieving delivery reports

After messages are sent on the Conversation API, delivery reports are generated. Data from these delivery reports is transferred to your connected Omnichannel Connector app and stored in a Data Extension called Omni Connector Delivery Reports. This Data Extension includes the following fields (any corresponding Conversation API delivery report fields are noted in the table):

Data Extension field Conversation API field Description
eventId N/A The ID of the journey event associated with this Data Extension
eventTime N/A The time at which the journey event occurred.
messageId message_id The ID of the sent message.
contactId contact_id The ID of the contact to whom the message was sent. Will be empty if the processing_mode of the corresponding Conversation API app is set to DISPATCH.
identity channel_identity The identity of the contact in the underlying channel (for example, a phone number for the SMS channel or WhatsApp channel). See the identity field of the Channel Identity object for details.
channel channel The channel on which the message was sent. See the channel field of the Channel Identity object for details.
status status The delivery status of the message. See Delivery Status for details.
errorCode (if present) The code field of the reason object High level classification of the error. See Error Codes for details.
errorMessage (if present) The description field of the reason object A description of the error. See Reason for more information.
journeyId N/A The ID of the corresponding journey.
journeyName N/A The name of the corresponding journey.
journeyVersion N/A The version of the corresponding journey.
activityId N/A The ID of the activity that supplied the data to this Data Extension.
activityName N/A The name of the activity that supplied the data to this Data Extension.
templateChannelType N/A Either Omnichannel or a channel-specific template.
templateId N/A The ID of the template used to send the message.
templateName N/A The name of the template used to send the message.
omnichannelMessageId N/A An internal identification value that is used by backend processes.
externalId N/A An external identifier

You may export this data to process it externally. You may also use the Omni Flow flow control to configure your journey to respond to the status of the delivery report.

Using the Omni Entry entry source

The Omnichannel Connector app provides you access to the Omni Entry entry souce, which is a type of Event entry source, that you can use in your journey.

This entry source listens for mobile originated (MO) messages delivered with webhooks associated with your Conversation API solution. This information is stored in an automatically created Data Extension that is associated with the Omni Entry source. You are then able to use that information to trigger your Journey and propagate information throughout it.

Note the following:

  • In order for the Omnichannel Connector app to successfully collect information from Conversation API callbacks, you must ensure that you have configured a webhook that connects with the Omnichannel Connector app. See the Conversation API prerequisites section for more information.
  • When configuring the Omni Entry within an Event entry source, you will select a journey for it to listen to. The Omni Entry entry source will collect MO messages sent in response to the messages sent during the that journey.
  • The Data Extensions that are automtically created by the Omni Entry Event are accessible outside of the journey. You can export the data (that is, the MO messages) contained in this Data Extension for external processing.

The table below details how the fields in these automatically created Data Extensions are mapped to the corresponding Conversation API fields:

Data Extension field Conversation API MO field Description
id N/A An automatically created unique ID. Used for backed processing
contactId contact_id The ID of the contact from which the MO originated. This is a unique value assigned to the contact by the Conversation API.
userResponse message The content of the MO message.
identity The identity field of the channel_identity object A channel recipient identity, which is an identifier for the contact for a specific channel. For example, a phone number in the case of the SMS and WhatsApp channels
channel The channel field of the channel_identity object The channel on which the MO message was sent and with which the identity is associated.
status N/A The status of the message. This field is not normally included in inbound message callbacks, but may instead be populated when another callback is triggered.

The Data Extensions that are automatically created by the Omni Entry Event should not be modified. If you wish to capture other data or fields, work with your Sinch account manager to create a separate Data Extension.

To successfully include the Omni Entry entry source in your journey, you must:

  1. Add the Event entry source to the journey itself
  2. Configure the Omni Entry entry source

Additionally, it is considered a best practice to the include an Omni Flow flow control immediately after the Omni Entry entry source. This allows you to direct the path of the journey based on keywords extracted from an MO sent by your end-users. See Using the Omni Flow flow control section for more information.

Adding the Event entry source to your journey

To add the Omni Entry entry source to your Salesforce Journey:

  1. Navigate to or create the journey to which you'd like to add the Omni Entry entry source. If you are creating a journey, ensure you select a Multi-Step journey.

    Omni Channel Multi Step

  2. Locate the Event entry source under the ENTRY SOURCES category on the left side of the screen.

    Omni Entry Source

  3. Click and drag the Event entry source to the entry source space on your journey.

    Omni Entry drag

After it has been added to your journey, you must configure the Omni Entry entry source.

Configuring the Omni Entry entry source

To configure the Omni Entry entry source:

  1. Double-click the Event entry source that is included in your journey.

    Omni Entry configure

  2. Select the Omni Entry Event type to continue the configuration.

    Omni Entry select

    Click Next.

  3. The CONFIGURE EVENT page is displayed. Select the journey to which this entry source wil listen from the Journey drop-down list. The MO messages sent in respones to the selected journey will be used to populate an automatically created Data Extension.

    Omni Entry select journey

    Click Next.

  4. The SUMMARY page is displayed. Confirm that you have made the correct journey selection and click Done . Alternatively, if you'd like to select a different journey, click the Back button and make a new selection.

Understanding default entry sources

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder provides you with a number of default entry sources that you can use in your Journey. When configuring Journeys that make use of the Sinch Omnichannel Connector, you will likely most often use the Data Extension entry source. This is a flexible data structure that allows you to create, modify, and update rows of information that can then be used throughout the journey.

In addition to Data Extensions, you may also use Events, API Events, and Salesforce Data as an entry source. API Events allow you to extract data from API calls that can be used to initiate, and propagate information throughout, your journey. While the information provided by the API Call entry source is ultimately stored in a Data Extension structure, it differs from the Data Extension entry source in that the journey only processes the information included in the API call itself, not all of the entries in the Data Source in which the information is recorded.


Entry sources other than Data Extensions, Events, API Events, and Salesforce Data are not supported at this time.

Using the Omni Flow flow control

The Omni Flow flow control allows you to extract information from prior sources on the journey (including information extracted from the Omni Channel message activity and MO messages retrieved by the Omni Entry entry source) and use it to split your journey and populate fields in subsequent activities. To successfully include the Omni Flow flow control in your journey, you must:

  1. Add the Omni Flow flow control to the journey itself
  2. Configure the Omni Flow flow control

Adding the Omni Flow flow control to your journey

To add the Omni Flow flow control to your Salesforce Journey:

  1. Navigate to or create the journey to which you'd like to add the Omni Flow flow control.If you are creating a journey, ensure you select a Multi-Step journey.

    Omni Channel Multi Step

  2. Locate the Omni Flow flow control under the Flow Control category of the ACTIVITIES section on the left side of the screen.

    Omni Flow activity

  3. Click and drag the Omnichannel flow control to the appropriate space on your journey. It must be placed directly after an Omni Entry entry source (if it is to process information extracted from MO messages delivered in response to messages sent on another journey) or a combination of an Omni Channel messaging activity and a Wait Until Event control (if it is to extract responses/information from the Omni Channel activity).

    Omni Flow drag

After it has been added to your journey, you must configure the Omni Flow flow control.

Configuring the Omni Flow flow control

To configure the Omni Flow flow control in your Salesforce Journey:

  1. Double-click the Omni Flow flow control that is included in your journey. The first page of the Omni Flow flow control configuration wizard is displayed.

    Omni Flow configure

  2. Select whether you want to split the flow of your journey By keyword or By delivery status .

    Omni Flow split

  3. Add your first path, which should be different than the Default path . Click Add path .

    Omni Flow add path

  4. Define either a keyword (or keywords) or a delivery status (or statuses) to associate with this path, depending on the selection you made in the previous step. First, populate the field, then click Add keyword or Add delivery status .

    Omni Flow add value

  5. Add as many additional paths (with unique keywords or delivery statuses) as your solution requires by using the same method in the previous step.

    To rename a path, click the pencil icon and enter the new name into the editable field.

    Omni Flow name change

  6. When you are done adding paths, click Done .

A note on Wait Until Event

As discussed in previous sections, you may include an Omni Flow flow control directly after a combination of a Omni Channel activity and a Wait Until Event control.

In order for this configuration to function properly, you must configure the Wait Until Event control to listen for the API event that is automatically created by the Omni Channel activity. This will provide the subsequent Omni Flow control with the appropriate pieces of data that will allow it to direct the path based on status or keywords.

Troubleshooting and analytics

If you encounter unexpected behavior or results while using the Omnichannel Connector app, you can follow the troubleshooting steps described below or review analytic information for your Conversation API solution.


If you encounter issues while using the Omnichannel Connector app, there are you may troubleshoot your solution by completing the following steps in order:

  1. Retry the action (for example, sending a message). Your solution may have encountered a temporary error that may resolve itself as circumstances change. For example, if an automatic contact management operation interferes with a send message request, the same request may succeed on a subsequent attempt.
  2. Review the steps described in this article on troubleshooting the Conversation API . Your Omnichannel Connector app is directly connected to a Conversation API app, and resolving issues with your Conversation API solution overall will likely resolve any issues you encounter with your corresponding Omnichannel Connector app.

Viewing analytics

You can view analytic information about your Conversation API solution, including message delivery data, Monthly Active Users (MAU), conversation data, channel statistics, and more on the Sinch Customer Dashboard.


Where will the Sinch Omnichannel Connector data be hosted?

For the initial release, the Omnichannel Connector data will be hosted in the Sinch AWS EU region. In the future, we will expand the hosting to other regions.

What is the support process when using Omnichannel Connector?

The support process is the same as the process for the Conversation API. You may submit a ticket to the Sinch 24x7 team, and they will triage the case. If they cannot resolve it, then the case will be escalated to Sinch tier-2 support and eventually to Sinch Dev team members.

Is the Sinch Omnichannel Connector GDPR compliant?


Is the Sinch Omnichannel Connector LGPD compliant (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados; aka: Brazilian General Data Protection Law)?


I am an ASP client. Is Omnichannel Connector suited for me?

Yes, ASP clients can use the Omnichannel Connector app in their solution(s).

What is the expected throughput when sending outbound traffic using the Omnichannel Connector?

The maximum speed of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud's Journey Builder is 50 TPS (when using the custom activities). The Sinch Omnichannel Connector supports this throughput level.

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