Some features of this SDK are still in development. Consult with our online support team if you run into issues using this SDK in a production environment.

Sinch Python SDK for Conversation

The Sinch Conversation Python SDK allows you to quickly interact with the Conversatoin API from inside your Python applications. The fastest way to get started with the SDK is to check out our getting started guides. There you'll find all the instructions necessary to download, install, set up, and start using the SDK.


When using the Python SDK, the code representing requests and queries sent to and responses received from the Conversation API are structured similarly to those that are sent and received using the Conversation API itself.


This guide describes the syntactical structure of the Python SDK for the Conversation API, including any differences that may exist between the API itself and the SDK. For a full reference on Conversation API calls and responses, see the Conversation API Reference.

The code sample on the side of this page is an example of how to use the Python SDK to send a text message on the SMS channel of a Conversation API app. The Conversation API call that accomplishes the same task is displayed below for reference:

import requests
import base64

appId = "YOUR_app_id"
accessKey = "YOUR_key_id"
accessSecret = "YOUR_key_secret"
projectId = "YOUR_project_id"
channel = "SMS"
identity = "RECIPIENT_number"
sender = "YOUR_sms_sender"
url = "" + projectId + "/messages:send"

data = accessKey + ":" + accessSecret
encodedBytes = base64.b64encode(data.encode("utf-8"))
accessToken = str(encodedBytes, "utf-8")

payload = {
  "app_id": appId,
  "recipient": {
      "identified_by": {
          "channel_identities": [
                "channel": channel,
                "identity": identity
  "message": {
      "text_message": {
          "text": "Text message from Sinch Conversation API."
  "channel_properties": {
    "SMS_SENDER": sender

headers = {
  "Content-Type": "application/json",
  "Authorization": "Basic " + accessToken

response =, json=payload, headers=headers)

data = response.json()

This example highlights the following required to successfully make a Conversation API call using the Sinch Python SDK:


When using the Sinch Python SDK, you initialize communication with the Sinch backend by initializing the Python SDK's main client class. This client allows you to access the the functionality of the Sinch Python SDK.


To successfully initialize the Sinch client class, you must provide a valid access key ID and access key secret combination. You must also provide your Project ID. For example:

from sinch import SinchClient

sinch_client = SinchClient(


After intializing the client, you can modify the following Conversation properties using the configuration class:

conversation_regionThe geographical location in which the conversation server is located. Must set to either us or eu.
conversation_domainThe URL (excluding the region) of the conversation server. Do not change unless advised by your account manager.
templates_regionThe geographical location in which the templates server is located. Must set to either us or eu.
templates_domainThe URL (excluding the region) of the templates server. Do not change unless advised by your account manager.

You will mostly use the configuration class to detail the location of the server you'd like to interact with. For example:


Conversation domain

The Sinch Python SDK organizes different functionalities in the Sinch product suite into domains. These domains are accessible through the client. For example, sinch_client.conversation.[endpoint_category].[method]. You can also create a domain-specific client from a general client. For example:
from sinch import SinchClient

sinch_client = SinchClient(key_id="YOUR_key_id", key_secret="YOUR_key_secret",

from import Conversation

conversation_client = Conversation(sinch_client)

Endpoint categories

In the Sinch Python SDK, Conversation API endpoints are accessible through the client (either a general client or a Conversation-specific client). The naming convention of the endpoint's representation in the SDK matches the API:

  • message
  • app
  • contact
  • event
  • transcoding
  • capability
  • template
  • webhook
  • conversation

For example:

conversation_response = sinch_client.conversation.message.send(
                        "identified_by" : {
                            "channel_identities" : [
                                {"identity":"RECIPIENT_number","channel" : "SMS"}
                        "text_message" : {
                            "text" : "Text message from Sinch Conversation API."
                        "SMS_SENDER" : "YOUR_sms_sender"

message endpoint category

The message category of the Python SDK corresponds to the messages endpoint. The mapping between the API operations and corresponding Python methods are described below:
API operationSDK method
Send a messagesend
Get a messageget
Delete a messagedelete
List messageslist

app endpoint category

The app category of the Python SDK corresponds to the apps endpoint. The mapping between the API operations and corresponding Python methods are described below:
API operationSDK method
List all apps for a given projectlist
Create an appcreate
Get an appget
Delete an appdelete
Update an appupdate

contact endpoint category

The contact category of the Python SDK corresponds to the contacts endpoint. The mapping between the API operations and corresponding Python methods are described below:
API operationSDK method
List contactslist
Create a contactcreate
Get a contactget
Delete a contactdelete
Update a contactupdate
Merge two contactsmerge
Get channel profileget_channel_profile

conversation endpoint category

The conversation category of the Python SDK corresponds to the conversations endpoint. The mapping between the API operations and corresponding Python methods are described below:
API operationSDK method
List conversationslist
Create a conversationcreate
Get a conversationget
Delete a conversationdelete
Update a conversationupdate
Stop conversationstop
Inject messagesinject_message_to_conversation

event endpoint category

The event category of the Python SDK corresponds to the events endpoint. The mapping between the API operations and corresponding Python methods are described below:
API operationSDK method
Send an eventsend

transcoding endpoint category

The transcoding category of the Python SDK corresponds to the messages:transcode endpoint. The mapping between the API operations and corresponding Python methods are described below:
API operationSDK method
Transcode a messagetranscode_message

capability endpoint category

The capability category of the Python SDK corresponds to the capability endpoint. The mapping between the API operations and corresponding Python methods are described below:
API operationSDK method
Capability lookupquery

webhook endpoint category

The webhook category of the Python SDK corresponds to the webhooks endpoint. The mapping between the API operations and corresponding Python methods are described below:
API operationSDK method
List webhookslist
Create a new webhookcreate
Get a webhookget
Update an existing webhookupdate
Delete an existing webhookdelete

template endpoint category

The template category of the Python SDK corresponds to the templates endpoint. The mapping between the API operations and corresponding Python methods are described below:
API operationSDK method
List all templates belonging to a project IDlist
Creates a templatecreate
Updates a templateupdate
Get a templateget
Delete a templatedelete

Request and query parameters

Requests and queries made using the Python SDK are similar to those made using the Conversation API. Many of the fields are named and structured similarly. In most cases, they are the same. For example, consider the representations of a Conversation API app ID below. One field is represented in JSON, and the other is using our Python SDK:

app_id = "{APP_ID}"
"app_id": "{APP_ID}"
Note that the fields have the same name. Additionally, path parameters, request body parameters, and query parameters that are used in the API are all passed as arguments to the corresponding python method. For example, consider this example in which the get method of the message class is invoked:
conversation_response = sinch_client.conversation.message.get(
url = "" + project_id + "/messages/" + YOUR_message_id

payload = {
    "messages_source": "CONVERSATION_SOURCE"
When using the Conversation API, message_id would be included as a path parameter, and messages_source would be included as a query parameter in the JSON payload. With the Python SDK, both parameters are included as arguments in the get method.

Field name differences

Below is a table detailing field names present in the Conversation API and their modified counterparts in the Conversation API Python SDK:

API field nameSDK field name

Nested objects

When making calls directly to the API, we use JSON objects, including (in some cases) nested JSON objects. When using the Python SDK, we use dictionaries instead of nested JSON objects. For example, consider the message objects below. One is represented in JSON, the other as a Python dictionary:

message = {
    "text_message": {
        "text": "Text message from Sinch Conversation API."
"message": {
    "text_message": {
        "text": "Text message from Sinch Conversation API."
Note that, in both cases, the text_message and text objects are structured in exactly the same way as they would be in a normal Python call to the Conversation API. When using the Python SDK, any argument that represents a nested JSON object will be represented as a Python dictionary at the top level, but the contents of that dictionary must be represented as JSON objects. This is also highlighted in the below example:
    "identified_by" : {
        "channel_identities" : [
            {"identity":"RECIPIENT_number","channel" : "SMS"}
"recipient": {
    "identified_by": {
        "channel_identities": [
            {"identity":"RECIPIENT_number","channel" : "SMS"}  


Response fields match the API responses. They are delivered as Python objects, with each top-level field represented as a property. Note that any nested objects normally returned by the Conversation API are returned as dictionaries by the Python SDK.

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