Send an SMS Message with the Sinch Java SDK


Before you can get started, you need the following already set up:

  • Set all SMS API configuration settings.
  • JDK 21 or later and a familiarity with how to create a new Java application. (The SDK itself only requires JDK 8 or later, but this quickstart guide uses JDK 21 as it is the latest version with long term support.)
  • Apache Maven and a familiarity with how to use the Maven CLI.

Learn how to quickly send SMS messages in a Java application with the Sinch API.

  1. Set up your Java application.
  2. Send your first SMS message.

Set up your Java application

To quickly get started setting up a simple client application using the Java SDK:

  1. If you haven't already, clone the sinch-sdk-java-quickstart repository.
  2. Navigate to the templates/client/src/main/resources folder.
  3. Open the file. Using the access key credentials from your Sinch Customer Dashboard, populate the following fields with your values:
SINCH_PROJECT_IDThe unique ID of your Project.
SINCH_KEY_IDThe unique ID of your access key.
SINCH_KEY_SECRETThe secret that goes with your access key.
Note: For security reasons, this secret is only visible right after access key creation.
  1. Save the file.

Modify your application

  1. Navigate to the /templates/client/src/main/sms/ folder and open the file. Replace the existing content within that file with the code provided on this page. That code is also found here if you want to just replace the file.
  1. The code provided in includes placeholder parameters. Replace the following placeholder values for these parameters with your values:
ParameterYour value
YOUR_Sinch_phone_numberAny number you've assigned to your Sinch account. Find the number on your Sinch dashboard by clicking the service plan ID link and scrolling to the bottom of the page.
YOUR_recipient_phone_numberThe phone number to which you want to send the test SMS message.
  1. Save your file.

Package the application

Now that you've modified the application, you need to use the Maven CLI to create a package that you can then execute. Open a command prompt or terminal to the sinch-sdk-java-quickstart/templates/client folder and run the following command:
mvn package
This command creates the target folder and application.

Send your first SMS message

Now that your package is ready, you can send a text message to your mobile phone. To send the message, run the following code:

java -jar target/sinch-java-sdk-client-application-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

The console will display the response details received from the Sinch servers and you should receive an SMS message to the number you specified.

Next steps

The code used in your Java application sends a POST request to the Sinch API /batches endpoint to send the SMS message. Click here to read more about the batches endpoint.

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