Getting started

Account required!
Using the SMS API requires signing up for a free account on the Sinch Customer Dashboard. If you haven't already done so, sign up now!

Follow the steps below to learn how to quickly start sending messages using the Sinch SMS API:

1. Get a number

When you sign up for a Sinch Customer Dashboard account, you get a free virtual number for testing. A virtual number is a standard telephone number that is not locked down to a specific phoneline. Copy your virtual number and use it to send test messages.

When you are done testing, you can purchase additional virtual numbers (with additional capabilities) from the customer dashboard. Click here to learn how get a number from Sinch.

2. Get credentials

You need an API Token and Service Plan ID, which are used to authenticate calls when using the SMS API. These tokens are created automatically in the Customer Dashboard. A Service Plan ID is assigned to you when you create an account on the Customer Dashboard. You can find your Service Plan ID and API Token on the APIs page under the SMS tab. Click Show to view your API token.

Most of our endpoints will request your service_plan_id, API token, and Sinch phone number. So, keep them handy.

3. Select a language

Now you're ready to get started sending messages with the SMS API! In addition to our REST API guides that highlight production-ready features, we also offer Unified SDK guides that allow you to explore exciting new features that are in development.

REST API guides

You can access the SMS API directly through HTTP requests. Select your preferred language and learn how to set up a simple application:

Unified SDK guides

Our Unified SDKs provide cross-product functionality and streamline code development. Select your preferred language SDK and set up a simple application:

*If you'd like to get started using the legacy Java SDK, click here.

Additional resources

View the whole API Reference.

If at any point you need more help, you can find support documentation and answers to frequently asked questions in the Sinch Support Community.

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