Sinch SMS overview

Using Sinch allows you to send and receive SMS messages with a few easy steps. You can also send bulk SMS messages to multiple customers using the Sinch SMS service. This allows for timely and cost-efficient communications.

There are several methods by which you can send SMS messages using Sinch's SMS service:

The sections below cover the SMS REST API and the Sinch Enhanced SMPP service.


This API has a number of applications that can help you automate communications, organize your customer data, and customize messages in order to provide your customers with a more personal interaction experience.

Using this API, you can:

The SMS rest API enables all of the above through a single connection. For more information on how to use the SMS REST API, see our Getting started guide.


If your solution is based in the US region, you may also be able to use the SMS REST API to send mobile terminated MMS messages. Contact support if you would like to enable this functionality on your solution.

SDKs in multiple languages

For developers integrating SMS functionality into their app, Sinch SDKs provide a convenient alternative to the SMS REST API.

Sinch SDKs offer a consistent standardized framework in a specific language without developers having to worry about the underlying API setup.

Enhanced SMPP service

You can send and receive messages with a granular level of control, and low latency, when using the Sinch Enhanced SMPP service. SMPP is a traditional telecoms protocol for the submission of bulk SMS; you can learn more about it at

In order to use the Sinch Enhanced SMPP service, you must first reach out to Sinch's sales team, or your account manager.

Our documentation provides information on: