Creating a user consent application using the .NET SDK

Set up your .NET application

  1. Navigate to the directory in which you'd like to store your project.
  2. Create a folder called SinchUserConsent. Then, open a terminal or command prompt to that location.
  3. Create a new .NET MVC app with the following command:
    dotnet new mvc

Installing the SDK

The easiest way to install the SDK is using the dotnet CLI:

  1. Open a command prompt or terminal to the local repository folder.
  2. Execute the following command:
    dotnet add package Sinch

Installing ngrok

If you successfully completed the Receive an SMS Message guide, you'll have used ngrok to set up a tunnel to your local server. Install ngrok with the command:

npm install ngrok -g

If you haven't already, set up a free account with ngrok. Now we've installed everything we need, we can start creating the application.

Collecting information to initialize the client

On the next page, you'll need to intialize the SDK.

Before initializing a client using this SDK, you'll need three pieces of information:

  • Your Project ID
  • An access key ID
  • An access key Secret
These values can be found on the Access Keys page of the Customer Dashboard. You can also create new access key IDs and Secrets, if required.
If you have trouble accessing the above link, ensure that you have gained access to the Conversation API by accepting the corresponding terms and conditions.
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