Text message

A text message is a plain text message. You can send a text message by making a POST request to the /messages:send Conversation API endpoint with the following payload:
  • "app_id": "{{APP_ID}}",
  • "recipient": "{{CONTACT_ID}}",
  • "message": {
    • "text_message": {

Text message schema

A text message can take the following parameters and properties. Required parameters are marked.

object (Text Message)

The text to be sent.

The following sections give examples of how card messages are rendered in each channel and specific parameter support:


WhatsApp channel natively supports text messages. You can include a maximum of 4096 characters in a single text message.

This character limit applies to generic messages sent on the WhatsApp channel, which can only be sent during a customer customer care session. Approved template messages with text-only bodies can include up to 32768 characters.

The following image gives an example of a text message.

Text Message


SMS channel natively supports text messages. The following image gives an example of a text message.

Text Message

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger supports text messages natively. The following image gives an example of a text message.

Text Message


Instagram supports text messages natively. The following image gives an example of a text message.

Text Message

Apple Messages for Business

Apple Messages for Business supports text messages natively.

Text Message


MMS channel supports text messages natively.

The following image gives an example of a text message.

Text Message


The RCS channel natively supports text messages. You can include a maximum of 2000 characters in the text message. The following image gives an example of a text message:

Text Message

Viber Bot

The Viber Bot channel natively supports text messages. You can include a maximum of 7000 characters in the text message. The following image gives an example of a text message:

Text Message

Viber Business Messages

The Viber Business Messages channel natively supports text messages. The maximum length of a text message is 1000 characters. Longer content will be truncated. Texts can be formatted with markdown.

FormatMarkdownString to be sentAppearance on message
BoldOne asterisk at each end of the text: **This text will be bold*This text will be bold
ItalicsOne underscore at each end of the text: __This text will be in italics_This text will be in italics
MonospaceThree backticks at each end of the text: backtickbacktickbacktickbacktickbacktickbacktickThis text will be in monospacebacktickbacktickbacktickThis text will be in monospace
StrikethroughOne tilde at each end of the text: ~~This text will have a strikethrough~This text will have a strikethrough

The following image gives an example of a text message:

Text Message


Telegram Bot channel natively supports text messages.

When sending text messages on the Telegram Bot channel, you can use Markdown syntax in the text content. See Telegram Bot channel Markdown support for more information.

The following image provides an example of a text message:

Text Message


KakaoTalk supports text messages natively. The text of the Text message has a maximum length of 1000 characters.


LINE channel natively supports text messages.

Text Message


WeChat channel natively supports text messages.

Text Message

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