SMS migration guide

The Sinch SMS API allows you to send and receive SMS through a single connection for timely and cost-efficient communications. You can also use the Conversation API to send and receive SMS messages. The Sinch Conversation API allows you to send and receive messages globally over SMS, RCS, WhatsApp, Viber Business, Facebook Messenger and other popular channels.

If you are an existing Sinch customer using the standalone SMS API, this guide provides instructions on how to migrate to the Conversation API, create a Conversation API app, and configure the SMS channel for that app.


Much of the functionality provided by the standalone SMS API is supported by the SMS channel of the Conversation API. However, the following features are not natively supported by the Conversation API:

  • The functionalities provided by the groups endpoints (although contact management in the Conversation API can be achieved through the use of projects and subprojects )
  • The functionalities provided by the delivery_report endpoints (though delivery reports can be received through a subscription to the appropriate Conversation API webhooks )
  • The ability to create a batch dry run, update a batch message, replace a batch message, and send delivery feedback for a message (all available in the standalone SMS batches endpoint category)

Also note that, while the Conversation API does provide users with the ability to send one message to multiple recipients at the same time through the Conversation API batch endpoint, that functionality is currently only available to select users for closed beta testing. To gain access to that functionality, reach out to your account manager.

This guide provides information on how to get started with the Conversation API, along with a tutorial on how to transform SMS API send batch requests into Conversation API send message requests to aid you in your migration.

Document change log

This is currently a living document, and it is updated based on feedback from existing users. Any major updates made to the SMS migration documents are recorded below:



  • Updated the getting started guide to encourage readers to work with their Sinch account manager to gain access to test/demo Service Plan IDs for the purpose of testing the migration
  • In the request transformation tutorial , clarified that the SMS_SENDER property is optional; if not included, a default number is used (if that default number is specified)


  • Added feature summary information to the SMS migration guide Overview page
  • Added information about the Conversation API batch messaging endpoint, which is currently available to select customers for closed beta testing, to the request transformation tutorial


  • Document change log created
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