SMPP submission error codes

All errors on the SMPP connection received in submit_sm_resp are described in the SMPP Protocol Specification v3.4 Issue 1.2 chapter 5.1.3 command_status.

Message state information

A message will always be in one of the following states:

Message state Value Description
ENROUTE 1 Message is in the process of being sent to the destination
Delivered 2 Message has been delivered to destination
EXPIRED 3 Message validity period has expired
DELETED 4 Message has been deleted
UNDELIVERABLE 5 Message is undeliverable
UNKNOWN 7 Message is in invalid state

The states are described in the SMPP Protocol Specification v3.4 Issue 1.2 chapter 5.2.28 message_state. The message state value is also attached in a SMPP Optional Parameter message_state value 0x0427 described in the SMPP Protocol Specification v3.4 Issue 1.2 chapter

Status reports error codes

The error codes are provided in status reports according to the SMPP Protocol Specification v3.4 Issue 1.2, Appendix B. Error codes come in two types: permanent means that the send message failure will continue, regardless of how many times the user tries the same operations (for example, if the destination phone number is incorrect). Temporary means that the send message operation may succeed if circumstances change (for example, system congestion clears up). The following table displays the error codes Sinch networks will be sending.

US customers--just looking for 10DLC or toll-free number SMPP errors? Find those here.

Error Error Class Description Comment/action Treated as
0 NO ERROR No error/unknown error. Temporary
1 ROUTING ERROR Source not found. Internal routing error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
2 ROUTING ERROR Sink not found. Internal routing error Contact your account manager. Permanent
3 ROUTING ERROR Delivery zone not found. Internal routing error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
4 ROUTING ERROR Traffic limit exceeded. Internal routing error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
5 ROUTING ERROR Location not found. Internal routing error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
6 ROUTING ERROR Location blocked. Internal routing error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
7 ROUTING ERROR Reply path not found. Internal routing error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
8 ROUTING ERROR Message not submitted. Internal routing error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
9 ROUTING ERROR Unsupported number plan. Permanent
10 ROUTING ERROR Unsupported type of number. Permanent
11 ROUTING ERROR Message not delivered. Permanent
12 ROUTING ERROR Dialing zone not found. Permanent
13 ROUTING ERROR Home zone and IMSI not allowed. Permanent
14 ROUTING ERROR Home zone and IMSI fetch failed. Temporary
15 SCREENING ERROR Screening block. Permanent
16 SCREENING ERROR Terminating IMSI blocked. Permanent
17 ROUTING ERROR Destination network type unknown. Permanent
18 ESME ERROR ESME error Temporary
19 SCREENING ERROR Originating location mismatch. Permanent
20 Originating reservation failed.
21 Originating reservation denied. Subscription not found.
22 Originating reservation denied. Subscription state illegal.
23 Originating reservation denied. Call case blocked for subscription.
24 Originating reservation denied. Call case blocked for subscription type.
25 Originating reservation denied. Low balance. Internal Error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
30 Terminating reservation failed.
31 Terminating reservation denied subscription not found.
32 Terminating reservation denied subscription state illegal.
33 Terminating reservation denied call case blocked for subscription.
34 Terminating reservation denied call case blocked for subscription type.
35 SCREENING ERROR Terminating reservation denied due to low balance. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
40 INTERNAL ERROR System Congestion. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
41 Originating IMSI mismatch.
45 Quarantine add.
46 Quarantine remove.
50 INTERNAL ERROR Error from Store. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
51 INTERNAL ERROR Direct delivery disabled from Store. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
52 INTERNAL ERROR Error from Store: internal exception. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
53 INTERNAL ERROR Error from Store: number of stored messages exceeded. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
54 INTERNAL ERROR Error from Store: retry scheme ended. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
55 INTERNAL ERROR Error from store: invalid destination. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
56 INTERNAL ERROR Error from store: direct delivery disabled from ESME cache. Internal error Contact your account manager. Temporary
57 Error from store: ESME cache limit exceeded
58 Error from store: scheduled delivery time limit exceeded
60 SCREENING ERROR Originator blocked. Permanent
61 SCREENING ERROR Destination blocked. Account not permitted to reach the destination MSISDN. To troubleshoot this message, try the following:
  1. Use the Right Account or Service: Make sure you are using the appropriate account or service for the destination you're trying to reach.
  2. Number Format Check: Ensure the phone number is in the correct E-164 format. It should start with the country code and be followed by the phone number, like “11234567890”, without including the '+' sign. Learn more.

  3. Note: If the recipient has chosen not to receive messages (Opted Out opted out), try reaching them in an alternative manner or avoid texting this number again.
62 SCREENING ERROR Keyword blocked. A phrase or word in the body of the message has been caught in the anti-spam filter. To troubleshoot this message, try the following:
  1. Review and Compliance: Carefully examine your message for any high-risk phrases, links, or keywords and make sure it adheres to the specific rules and regulations in your area. Learn more about content review and local compliance.
  2. Test Message: After reviewing and adjusting your message, send a test version to ensure it successfully goes through without any issues.
63 SCREENING ERROR SC (short code) address blocked Permanent
64 SCREENING ERROR Blocked due to exceeded quota. Permanent
65 SCREENING ERROR Loop detected. Permanent
66 SCREENING ERROR Data coding scheme blocked. Permanent
67 SCREENING ERROR Information element identifier blocked. Permanent
68 Country code validation blocked
70 ESME ERROR No ESME provider available. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
71 ESME ERROR ESME account not connected. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
72 ESME ERROR ESME no account routing. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Permanent
73 ESME ERROR ESME account blocked. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
74 ESME ERROR ESME local TX throttling. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
75 ESME ERROR ESME outstanding requests exceeded. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
76 ESME ERROR ESME router route not found. Internal error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
77 ESME ERROR ESME router IMSI lookup failed. Permanent
78 Error from ESME router, route suspended
80 Error from SMSC source, home routing sender GT mismatch
81 Error from MO source, location mismatch between provided location and location known to HLR.
82 Error from MO source, IMSI mismatch between provided IMSI (MAP v3) and IMSI known to HLR.
83 Error from MS and SMSC sink, local throttling by the sink.
100 SMSC ERROR Unidentified Subscriber. Permanent
101 SMSC ERROR Facility not supported. Temporary
102 SMSC ERROR System failure. Temporary
103 SMSC ERROR Unexpected data value . Permanent
104 SMSC ERROR Data missing. Permanent
105 SMSC ERROR Equipment protocol error. Permanent
106 SMSC ERROR Unknown service center address. Temporary
107 SMSC ERROR Service center congestion. Temporary
108 SMSC ERROR Invalid short message entity address. Permanent
109 SMSC ERROR Subscriber not service centre subscriber. Temporary
110 SMSC ERROR Reject. Indicates temporary problem or lost reach. Permanent
111 SMSC ERROR Local cancel. Indicates temporary problem or lost reach. Temporary
112 SMSC ERROR Abort. Indicates temporary problem or lost. Temporary
113 SMSC ERROR Exception (internal). Contact your account manager. Permanent
114 SMSC ERROR Unknown error. Temporary
150 HLR ERROR Unknown subscriber. Message is rejected because the MSISDN is not active with the carrier. To troubleshoot this error, try the following:
  1. Number Format Check: Ensure the phone number is in the correct E-164 format. It should start with the country code and be followed by the phone number, like “11234567890”, without including the '+' sign.
  2. Confirm Phone Number Validity: Ensure that the phone number you are trying to message is valid and currently active. Check that it is not blocked or restricted in any way on your account.
  3. Restart the Phone: Message Recipient may need to turn the phone off and then on again to refresh its connection.
  4. Test Another Number: Try sending a message to a different number on the same network to pinpoint the issue.
  5. Wait and Retry: If the issue persists, give it some time and then try sending the message again later.
151 HLR ERROR Call barred. Message rejected due to active barring by the end-user. To troubleshoot this error, try the following:
  • The person receiving the message needs to call their mobile service provider to fix any blocks on their account. It might be best to stop sending messages to this number for now.
152 HLR ERROR Teleservice not provisioned. Message is rejected because the recipient mobile subscriber has no SMS subscription. Permanent
153 HLR ERROR Absent subscriber. Subscriber handset not connected to the network. Likely turned off or outside the area of coverage. To troubleshoot this error, try the following:
  1. Check the Phone Number: Make sure the number is correct and working with the mobile service provider.
  2. Check the Phone: Recipient may need to confirm the phone is on and has a strong signal
  3. Restart the Phone: Message Recipient may need to turn the phone off and on again to refresh its connection.
  4. Wait and Retry: If the issue persists, give it some time and then try sending the message again later.
154 HLR ERROR Facility not supported. The message is rejected due to no provision of the SMS in the VPLMN. Permanent
155 HLR ERROR System failure. Message rejected due to network or protocol failure. Temporary
156 HLR ERROR Unexpected data value. Permanent
157 HLR ERROR Data missing. Permanent
158 HLR ERROR Memory capacity exceeded. The handset does not have sufficient free memory to accept the SMS. To troubleshoot this error, try the following:
  • Recipient may need to make sure the phone has enough space for new messages. Delete old texts if necessary.
159 HLR ERROR Mobile subscriber not reachable. Temporary
160 HLR ERROR Reject. Indicates temporary problem or lost reach. Permanent
161 HLR ERROR Local Cancel. Indicates temporary problem or lost reach. Temporary
162 HLR ERROR Abort. Indicates temporary problem or lost reach. Temporary
163 HLR ERROR Exception (internal). Contact your account manager. (Local error). Permanent
164 HLR ERROR Unknown error. Temporary
200 MSC ERROR Unidentified subscriber. Temporary
201 MSC ERROR Absent subscriber, IMSI detached. Subscriber is absent and has been for a period of time. Temporary
202 MSC ERROR Absent subscriber, no page response. The message is rejected because there was no paging response. Temporary
203 MSC ERROR Subscriber busy for MT SMS. The message is rejected because of congestion encountered at the visited MSC. Temporary
204 MSC ERROR Facility not supported. The message is rejected due to no provision of the SMS in the destination SIM. Permanent
205 MSC ERROR Illegal subscriber. Message rejected because of failed authentication. Permanent
206 MSC ERROR Illegal equipment. Message rejected because the mobile subscriber was blacklisted. Permanent
207 MSC ERROR System failure. Message rejected due to network or protocol failure. Temporary
208 MSC ERROR Unexpected data value. Permanent
209 MSC ERROR Data missing. Permanent
210 MSC ERROR Memory capacity exceeded. Message rejected because the mobile subscriber doesn’t have enough memory. Temporary
211 MSC ERROR Equipment protocol error. Temporary
212 MSC ERROR Device not short message equipped. The number cannot receive text messages, for example Data-SIMs. To troubleshoot this error, try the following:
  • Check Number Type: Recipient may need to ensure the number can receive texts. It shouldn't be a data-only SIM card, landline, VoIP, or any special service number that can't get text messages.
213 MSC ERROR Reject. Indicates temporary problem or lost reach. Permanent
214 MSC ERROR Local Cancel. Indicates temporary problem or lost reach. Temporary
215 MSC ERROR Abort. Indicates temporary problem or lost reach. Temporary
216 MSC ERROR Exception (internal). Contact your account manager. Permanent
217 MSC ERROR Unknown error. Temporary
250 SCREENING ERROR Personal service barring, MO Personal. Determined Barring White List. Permanent
251 SCREENING ERROR Personal service barring, MO Personal. Determined Barring Black List. Permanent
252 SCREENING ERROR Personal service barring, MO Operator. Determined Barring White List. Permanent
253 SCREENING ERROR Personal service barring, MO Operator. Determined Barring Black List. Permanent
254 SCREENING ERROR Personal service barring, MT Personal. Determined Barring White List. Permanent
255 SCREENING ERROR Personal service barring, MT Personal. Determined Barring Black List. The end-user has opted out from receiving messages. Either all A2P messages or sender ID specific. To troubleshoot this error, try the following:
  1. Check for Blocks: Ensure no filters or bars are preventing the number from receiving messages.
  2. Contact Support: If you're unsure, reach out to your service provider’s help team.
  3. Test Message: Send a test message to ensure the issue is resolved.
256 SCREENING ERROR Personal service barring, MT Operator. Determined Barring White List. Permanent
257 SCREENING ERROR Personal service barring, MT Operator. Determined Barring Black List. Permanent
280 SM external control. Indicates internal network problem. Temporary
300 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid destination address. The MSISDN does not exist. To troubleshoot this error, try the following:
  1. Number Format Check: Ensure the phone number is in the correct E-164 format. It should start with the country code and be followed by the phone number, like “11234567890”, without including the '+' sign. Learn more.
  2. Confirm Phone Number Validity: Ensure that the phone number you are trying to message is valid and currently active. Check that it is not blocked or restricted in any way on your account.
  3. Follow the Rules: Ensure your message meets all the local laws. Check the rules.
  4. For Developers: If using SMPP, set TON/NPI values to 1/1.
301 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid destination numbering plan. Permanent
302 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid destination type of number. Permanent
303 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid destination flag. Permanent
304 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid number of destinations. Permanent
310 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid source address. The source address is not permitted. Refer to Country Information and local regulations. To troubleshoot this error, try the following:
  1. Check Sender Name/Number: Make sure the sender ID is set up properly.
  2. Follow the Rules: Ensure your message meets all the local laws. Check the rules.
311 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid source numbering plan. Permanent
312 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid source type of number. Permanent
320 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR ESME Receiver permanent error. Permanent
321 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR ESME Receiver reject error. Permanent
322 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR ESME Receiver temporary error. Temporary
330 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid command length. Permanent
331 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid service type. Permanent
332 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid operation. Permanent
333 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Operation not allowed. Permanent
334 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid parameter. Permanent
335 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Parameter not allowed. Permanent
336 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid parameter length. Permanent
337 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid optional parameter. Permanent
338 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Optional parameter missing. Permanent
339 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid validity parameter. Permanent
340 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid scheduled delivery parameter. Permanent
341 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid distribution list. Permanent
342 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid message class. Permanent
343 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid message length. Permanent
344 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid message reference. Permanent
345 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid number of messages. Permanent
346 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid predefined message. Permanent
347 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid priority. Permanent
348 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid replace flag. Permanent
349 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Request failed. Permanent
350 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Invalid delivery report request. Temporary
360 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Message queue full. Temporary
361 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR External error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
362 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR External error. Contact your account manager. Temporary
370 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Can't find information. Temporary
399 ESME EXTERNAL ERROR Unknown. Temporary

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