Support for the standalone WhatsApp API will end on September 30, 2023. New customers must use, and existing customers must migrate to, the WhatsApp channel of the Conversation API. Any migration must be completed prior to September 30, 2023.

Release notes WhatsApp API

See how the Sinch WhatsApp API is evolving and find out about new features and bug fixes.



  • Improvements in error handling.


  • Extend Callbacks with information about Conversations. (more details here )
  • Remove deprecated POST whatsapp/v1/{bot-id}/provision/optout Opt-Out endpoint. (more details here )


  • Improvements for opt-in


  • Fix issue with duplicated callbacks.
  • Improvements in communications with WhatsApp.


  • Improvements deleting old media files
  • Improvements for capability and opt-in (more details here )


  • Sending media messages improvements.


  • Bug fix for failed messages addressed to Mexican and Argentinian recipients
  • Bug fix for opt-in/opt-out


  • Improvements in message processing


  • Deprecating TTL parameter for Template Messages - as of now this parameter will be ignored if sent.
  • New type of Customer Care Session messages: list, and buttons (more details here ).
  • Improvements in media file validation.


  • Remove deprecated support for groups
  • Customer care session management improvements


Additionally in the next release on 29th June 2021 we are going to deprecate use of the ttl parameter when sending template messages. Facebook is not going to support this feature anymore. For more details please check our documentation here


  • Remove support for old, deprecated “params” parameter when sending template messages more informations here .


  • Old media files cleanup improvements.
  • Sending media messages improvements.
  • Swagger documentation improvements.
  • Template parameters bugfix.


Additionally in the next release on 25th May 2021 we are going to remove support for old “params” property when sending template messages that was deprecated for over half of year. Please use: headerparams and bodyparams instead. For more details please check our documentation here


  • Error handling improvements.
  • Internal monitoring improvements.


  • Add support for referral in Inbound message callbacks.
  • Support redirect and forwards from media url.


  • WhatsApp API performance and stability improvements.
  • Improvements to the integration with the Conversation API.


  • WhatsApp API performance and stability improvements.
  • Improvements to the integration with the Conversation API.
  • Improvement for media files monitoring.


  • WhatsApp API performance improvements.


  • WhatsApp API performance improvements.


  • Performance and security improvements.
  • Option to have the callbacks sent from the Sinch WhatsApp API to the customer's endpoint signed using the HMAC algorithm . To be able to use this feature a HMAC key needs to be delivered in the provisioning Excel form. For more information see the Callback signature documentation.




  • Improvement for sending messages during heavy load
  • Improvement for sending media messages


  • Improvements in phone number validation - less restrictive rules are now used - number doesn't have to be approved by authoritative evidence example ITU, IR 21…
  • UNKNOWN type of inbound message also opens Customer Care Session now - this type of messages are related with Live Location messages that are not supported by WhatsApp Business API - these messages can be send from mobile phone app


  • Improvements in error handling for unsupported animated stickers - better error message is returned now.
  • Improvements in phone number verification when sending message.


  • Root CA SSL certificate replacement. More information and instructions are available on following links for EU and US
  • Video files are now supported in media template
  • A profile image can now be included in a contact message sent to the customer's callback URL
  • Improvements for inbound sticker messages - auto cleanup for old stickers file enabled
  • Improvements for Customer Care Session management - DELETED and SYSTEM statuses don't start a CC Session anymore


  • New interactive message templates. See Sending template message .
  • Fix issue with missing DELETED status for MO messages.
  • Improve error handling for sending messages.
  • Upgrade google libphonenumber library.


  • Add POST method to the capability endpoint
  • Add Swagger UI to the API. See introduction .
  • Fix bug with delayed FAILED status when sent media file is not accessible because of SSL certificate error.
  • Improve error handling for video files with incorrect codecs.
  • Fix response code when calling the capability endpoint with empty body.


  • Improvements for processing of status update event timestamps returned in callbacks (sometimes later events had earlier timestamps example SENT before DISPATCHED).
  • Improvements in error handling when adding admin to chat group.
  • Improvements in recipient phone number validation.


  • New Sticker pack management API - business can now create, update or delete stickers pack group and use it in Customer Care messages.
  • Support for stickers in incoming messages from end user - Sticker messages are now sent back to business’s callback as other media Customer Care messages.
  • Add limitations and validation for media provider name. When business creates new media provider, name for that provider can be 200 length max and contain only alphanumeric characters plus "-" and/or " _ ."
  • MSISDN validation improvement with new version of google’s library libphonenumber.


  • WhatsApp profile of message sender (MO messages) are now present in callback body sent to business endpoint (available only for text, location and contact message types).
  • New Customer Care message type sticker added. Supported media type is “image/webp”.


  • Fix issue with missing customer callbacks for messages delivered over 14 days after sent.
  • Upgrade WhatsApp Business API client (dockers) to latest v2.27.8.
  • Upgrade google libphonenumber library.


  • Fix bug with dot ('.') prefix in cookies domain.
  • Add fail message when trying to add a number as admin if that number is not part of that group.
  • Add support for filename parameter for document template messages.
  • New API endpoint for getting the content of the blacklist.
  • Change validation of numbers when adding to and removing from blacklist.
  • Fix issue with missing customer callbacks for messages from recently created phone numbers.
  • Add additional MIME type support for media files.
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