LINE channel properties

There are LINE channel-specific properties that can be used when making calls to the Conversation API. These properties can be listed under channel_properties in the message request.

For example, below is the code for adding the channel specific property LINE_VIDEO_TRACKING_ID to a Conversation API call:

  "app_id": "{{APP_ID}}",
  "recipient": {
    "contact_id": "{{CONTACT_ID}}"
  "message": {
    "media_message": {
      "thumbnail_url": "https://url/to/your/thumbnail/image.jpg",
      "url": "https://url/to/yout/video.mp4"
  "channel_properties": {
    "LINE_VIDEO_TRACKING_ID": "my-unique-video-tracking-id"

The relevant LINE channel properties are detailed in the table below:

Property name Property value
LINE_VIDEO_TRACKING_ID ID used to identify the video when the video viewing complete event occurs. If you send a video message with LINE_VIDEO_TRACKING_ID added, the video viewing complete event occurs when the user finishes watching the video. You can use the same ID in multiple messages.
LINE_OPEN_STATUS Optional. User interaction data is aggregated in units defined with this property. During the current month (from the first to the last day of the month), one can send messages with up to 1000 different unit names. Note that when messages are sent with the 1001st or later unit name type, those unit names are treated as if they weren't assigned to the messages.

Below is an example of using the LINE_OPEN_STATUS channel-specific property to mark MT messages with a custom aggregation unit of promotion_1000:

  "app_id": "{{APP_ID}}",
  "recipient": {
    "contact_id": "{{CONTACT_ID}}"
  "message": {
    "media_message": {
      "thumbnail_url": "https://url/to/your/thumbnail/image.jpg",
      "url": "https://url/to/yout/video.mp4"
  "channel_properties": {
    "LINE_OPEN_STATUS": "promotion_1000"
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