All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for SVAML Action
The phone number that has been rented by a customer and assigned to a project.
Dedicated Builder
Parameters request to list active numbers for a project
Lists all active numbers for a project
The phone number that has been rented by a customer and assigned to a project.
Dedicated Builder
If Answering Machine Detection (see AMD) is enabled, this object contains information about whether the call was answered by a machine.
The reason that the system used to determine who answered the call.
The status of a call
This callback is made when the call is picked up by the callee (person receiving the call).
Exception related to server authentication
Base Sinch Client API exception
APIException Builder helper to transform dedicated domains error response to Exception
Sinch Client exception related to payload parsing/mapping error
Information about your number.
Credentials related to Voice/Verification authentication
Dedicated Builder
Request parameters when updating a numbers list
You can use the API to manage features of applications in your project.
primary and if configured fallback callback URLs for an application
Get information about your numbers.
The phone numbers that are available to be rented in the Sinch Customer Dashboard or via the public numbers API.
Dedicated Builder
Parameters request to list available numbers for a project
Lists all available numbers for a project
Request message for searching and renting in one go any number that matches the search criteria.
Dedicated Builder
Request message for renting a phone number.
Dedicated Builder
A region for which numbers are provided.
Dedicated Builder
Parameters request to list all regions by criteria
Lists all available numbers for a project
Available Region Service
Base class for Batch types
Base class for Delivery Report WebHook
Base class for Batch types
BatchBinary type
Parameters request to list batches for a project
Lists batches response
Batches Service
BatchMedia type
BatchText type
Response message containing the callbacks configuration for a specific project
Dedicated Builder
Callback Configuration Service
The request to update the callbacks configuration for the current project
Dedicated Builder
Returns any callback URLs configured for the specified application
Base class for webhooks call event
Information related to a specific call
Specifies which part of the call will be managed.
The conference callout calls a phone number or a user.
The custom callout, the server initiates a call from the servers that can be controlled by specifying how the call should progress at each call event.
The text-to-speech callout calls a phone number and plays a synthesized text messages or pre-recorded sound files.
A callout is a call made to a phone number or app using the API.
Describe the reason why a call ended
Describe the result of a call
Using the Calls service, you can manage on-going calls or retrieve information about a call.
The status of a call
Capability of a phone number
CapabilityType of a phone number
Options to control how DTMF signals are used by the participant in the conference.
Action to apply on conference participant"
Use to configure conference participant settings
Information about a conference's participant
Using the Conferences endpoint, you can perform tasks like retrieving information about an on-going conference, muting or unmuting participants, or removing participants from a conference.
Configuration used by Sinch Client
Dedicated Builder
Base class related to a control
Control URL used during a custom callout
Cursor Based Page Navigator
Utility class for Date
Common Definition to Delivery Report
Parameters request to get a Batch Delivery Report
MMS delivery Report
SMS delivery Report
Applied encoding for message.
Parameters request to list delivery reports for a project
Common Definition to Delivery Report
Applied encoding for message.
SMS Delivery Report Recipient for MMS
SMS Delivery Report Recipient for SMS
Lists batches response
Delivery reports Service.
The status field describes which state a particular message is in.
Details related to a delivery report status
DeliveryReportType authorized values
Can be of type number for PSTN endpoints or of type username for data endpoints.
Destination of numbers type
Destination types
Destination of type SIP
Destination of type username for data endpoints.
This callback is made when the call is disconnected.
Domains type
Information related to a dryRun request
Details related to a dryRun recipient
Determines what DTMF mode the participant will use in the call.
DTMF played to the callee.
E164 Phone Number representation class helper
Abstract class providing common definition to extendable enums
Utility class to manage extendable enumeration set
Parameters request to create a group
Parameters request to replace a group
Parameters request to list groups
Groups List response
Groups Service
Parameters request to update" a group
Base class for Identity objects
Base class for Incoming message
Incoming SMS Binary
Parameters request to list delivery reports for a project
List Incoming Messages response
Inbounds Service
Incoming SMS Text
This event, called the ICE event, can be triggered by either an incoming data call or an incoming PSTN call.
Domains type
Available methods and actions which can be done after a successful Verification
Dedicated Builder
The related action that can be performed on the initiated Verification.
Abstract class used for handling unified paginated response
MediaBody object
The type of information that's returned
Navigates to the named menu
Menu Action type
The type of input received.
An object giving details on currency code and the amount charged.
Dedicated Builder
Means "music-on-hold."
This is the general callback used to send notifications.
Dedicated Builder
The type of the event.
If the status is FAILED, a failure code will be provided.
The status of the event.
Identity based onto a phone number
Dedicated Builder
Detailed information about a number
Execution context related to Numbers domains
Dedicated Builder
Numbers Service
Numbers Service
Type of phone number
The type of the number
class adapted from Optional enabling to: accept null value as authorized and defined value determine is a value was set with any value (null included) or not
Supported fields for ordering
Utility class to manage a pair of information (tuple)
Text-To-Speech engine settings
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
This callback is triggered as a result of a runMenu action.
The provisioning status.
Information related to a number
The type of the resource.
Represents the ongoing or failed scheduled provisioning job.
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
The pattern to apply to searches
Class used to store server related information and configuration
Sinch Sdk Client implementation
The current SMS configuration for this number.
Dedicated Builder
Execution context related to Voice domains
Dedicated Builder
The error codes that show the reason of failure of a scheduled provisioning
SMS Region
SMS Service
Credentials related to SMS authentication based onto service plan
Dedicated Builder
The type of the call result.
Prices associated with this verification
Dedicated Builder
With the PIN SMS verification method, a user's phone number is verified by sending an SMS containing a PIN code that must be manually returned.
Utility class for string
Class enabling to define SVAML actions and instructions
Token Based Page Navigator
Transport Protocol type
Credentials related to unified Sinch authentication
Dedicated Builder
Base class for Batch types
Execution context related to Verification domains
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Determines whether the verification can be executed.
The type of the verification request.
Base class to all Verification Report requests
Flash Call Verification Report Request
Dedicated Builder
The type of verification.
Phone Call Verification Report Request
Dedicated Builder
The type of verification.
SMS Verification Report Request
Dedicated Builder
The type of verification.
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Verification Report Service
Dedicated Builder
The type of the event.
The verification method.
Dedicated Builder
Flash Call Request Event Response
Dedicated Builder
Phone Call Request Event Response
Dedicated Builder
SMS Request Event Response
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
The type of the event.
Verification Domain Level Service
Verification Domain Level Service
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Dedicated Builder
Accepted values for the type of code to be generated are Numeric, Alpha, and Alphanumeric.
Dedicated Builder
Data Response
Dedicated Builder
Flash Call Response
Dedicated Builder
Phone Call Response
Dedicated Builder
SMS Response
Dedicated Builder
Verification Start Service
The status of the verification
Displays the reason why a verification has FAILED, was DENIED, or was ABORTED.
Verification Status Response Common Fields
Dedicated Builder
Flash Call Verification Status Response
Dedicated Builder
The method of the verification request.
Phone Call Verification Status Response
Dedicated Builder
The method of the verification request.
SMS Verification Status Response
Dedicated Builder
The method of the verification request.
Prices associated with this verification
Dedicated Builder
Get the status of specific verification requests in the verification process.
Common VoiceConfiguration fields
Dedicated Builder
EST VoiceConfiguration
Dedicated Builder
FAX VoiceConfiguration
Dedicated Builder
RTC VoiceConfiguration
Dedicated Builder
Execution context related to Voice domains
Dedicated Builder
The Calling API uses a variety of endpoints depending on where in the world you are located.
Voice service
Interface defining a WebHook event
Webhooks service
Webhooks service
Webhooks service